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Pays Drapeau du Royaume-Uni Royaume-Uni
Langue Anglais
Genre Histoire militaire
Prix au numéro 9,99 £
Fondateur Philip Warner
Date de fondation
Date du dernier numéro ...
Éditeur Osprey Publishing
Ville d’édition Oxford

Rédacteur en chef Martin Windrow
Comité éditorial ...
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Men-at-Arms est une série de livres consacrée à l’histoire militaire publiée par l’éditeur britannique Osprey Publishing.


La série de livres Men-at-Arms décrit l’histoire, l’organisation, les uniformes et les équipements des forces armées dans le monde, passées et présentes. Chacun des numéros est illustré par des dessins, des cartes et des diagrammes spécialement conçus pour l’occasion[1].

Peu de temps après avoir créé Aircam Aviation Series, la première série de publications d’Osprey Publishing, l’artiste illustrateur Dick Ward propose d’étendre le concept aux unités militaires renommées, donnant naissance à Men-at-Arms à partir de 1971. Philip Warner, un historien de la Royal Military Academy Sandhurst, est en nommé responsable[2].

Le premier fascicule intitulé Foot Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard signé par Charles Grant pour le texte et Michael Roffe pour les illustrations en couleur est publié en 1971. Ce fascicule de 42 pages comprend 26 reproductions de gravures, dessins ou peinture, 4 cartes, une photographie ainsi que 8 pages de reproduction d’uniformes en couleurs[3]. Les premiers ouvrages de la série s’attachent surtout à décrire l’histoire des régiments tandis que les exemplaires publiés plus récemment sont plutôt consacrés à l’étude des uniformes et des équipements.

À noter que chaque exemplaire se voit attribuer son propre numéro ISBN.


Parmi les journalistes ayant contribué à Men-at-Arms figurent, par ordre d’apparition décroissant, David Nicolle, René Chartrand, Philip Katcher, Philip Haythornthwaite (en), Nigel Thomas, Michael Chappell (en), Digby Smith (sous le nom Otto von Pivka), Terence Wise, Martin Windrow (en), Ronald Pawly, Gordon Williamson, Michael Barthorp (en), Stuart Reid, Philip Jowett, Albert Seaton, Ron Field, Peter Abbott, Peter Hofschröer (en), CJ Peers, Emir Bukhari, Ian Heath, Ian Knight, Mark Henry, Martin Brayley, Michael G Johnson, Peter Young et Richard Brzezinski pour les textes ainsi que Angus McBride, Michael Chappell (en), Gerry Embleton (en), Michael Roffe, Richard Hook, Bryan Fosten, Ronald Volstad (en), Stephen Andrew, Bill Younghusband, Darko Pavlovic, Michael Youens, Patrice Courcelle, Paul Hannon, Ramiro Bujeiro, David Rickman, Raffaele Ruggeri, Richard Scollins, Chris Warner, Christa Hook, Eugène Leliepvre, Jeffrey Burn et Michael Perry pour les illustrateurs.

Correspondants permanents


Liste détaillée des numéros de Men-at-arms
  1. Men-at-Arms 1, juin 1973 - The American Provincial Corps 1775–84, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Early Years
    A Policy Emerges
    Capture of Philadelphia
    The War in the South
    King’s Mountain
    The Bitter End
    The Plates
  2. Men-at-Arms 2, juin 1972 - The Arab Legion, par Peter Young (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Al Jeish Al Arabi
    The Leaders
    The Infantry
    The Royal Armoured Corps
    Supporting Arms and Services
    Air, Sea, Police, National Guard and Training
    The Plates
  3. Men-at-Arms 3, novembre 1988 - Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, par William McElwee (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Origins of the Regiment
    The 91st Argyllshire Highlanders, 1795-1815
    The 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, 1800-1815
    The 91st Argyllshire Regiment, 1815-1881
    The 93rd Sutherland Highlanders, 1815-1881
    The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1881-1918
    The Argyll and Sutherland Highlanders, 1919-1945
    The Latest Chapter
    The Plates
  4. Men-at-Arms 4, juin 1973 - The Army of the German Empire 1870–88, par Albert Seaton (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Prussia’s Greatest Warrior
    Prussia’s Demoralization and Decay
    Prussia’s Military Reforms
    Europe in the Mid-nineteenth Century
    Von Roon’s New Army
    Denmark the casus belli
    The Army of the North German Confederation
    Prussia’s South German Allies
    The Franco-Prussian War
    Structure of the Army
    The Plates
  5. Men-at-Arms 5, juin 1973 - The Austro-Hungarian Army of the Napoleonic Wars, par Albert Seaton (texte) et R. Ottenfeld (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Happy Austria makes Marriages
    The Silesian Wars
    The Revolutionary Wars
    The Rise of Napoleon
    Austrian Military Reforms
    The New Austrian War
    The Battle of the Nations
    The Plates
  6. Men-at-Arms 6, juin 1973 - The Austro-Hungarian Army of the Seven Years War, par Albert Seaton (texte) et R. Ottenfeld (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Austria and the Holy Roman Empire
    The Coming of the Hungarians
    The Austro-Hungarian Union
    Brandenburg-Prussia Challenges Austria
    The War of the Austrian Succession
    The First Silesian War
    The Second Silesian War
    Maria Theresa’s Imperial Reforms
    The Seven Years War
    Austria Victorious
    The Prussian Recovery
    The Final Stages
    The Plates
  7. Men-at-Arms 7, juin 1973 - The Black Brunswickers, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Formation of the Black Horde
    The Campaign of 1809
    The fight to the Coast
    Brunswick Troops in the Peninsula
    The 1815 Campaign
    Quatre Bras 16 June 1815
    Waterloo 18 June 1815
    The Plates
  8. Men-at-Arms 8, juin 1971 - The Black Watch, par Charles Grant (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Early Years
    Fontenoy and Ticonderoga
    The Peninsular War
    The Waterloo Campaign
    The Crimea and India
    Egypt and South Africa
    The Plates
  9. Men-at-Arms 9, juin 1972 - Blücher’s Army 1813–15, par Peter Young (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Leaders
    Artillery and Pioneers
    A Miscellany
    The Plates
  10. Men-at-Arms 10, juin 1972 - The Buffs, par Gregory Blaxland (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Freedom for Holland
    Under the Stuarts
    Old Buffs
    Peninsular Honours
    Imperial Warfare
    For Badge and Colour
    At their Finest
    The First World War
    Royal Regiment
    The Second World War
    The Final Years
    The Plates
  11. Men-at-Arms 11, juin 1971 - Chasseurs of the Guard, par Peter Young (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Regimental History
    Uniforms of the Consular Guard
    Uniforms of the Imperial Guard
    Guidons and Standards
    The Plates
  12. Men-at-Arms 12, juin 1972 - The Connaught Rangers, par Alan Shepperd (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Origins
    The Peninsular War 1808-14
    The 88th from 1814 to 1881
    South Africa
    The Connaught Rangers in the Great War
    The Plates
  13. Men-at-Arms 13, juin 1972 - The Cossacks, par Albert Seaton (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Early Russian Peoples
    The Origins of the Cossacks
    The Early Russian Cossacks
    The Don Cossack Host
    The First Volga Cossacks
    The Ukraine
    The Zaporozhian Cossacks
    The Ukranian Cossacks
    The Tsars and the Russian Cossacks
    The New Cossack Communities
    The Ephemeral Ukranian Cossack
    The Cossack Hosts in the Twentieth Century
    Cossack Military Service under the Tsar
    The Revolution and Civil War
    The Cossacks under Soviet Rule
    Cossack Uniforms
    The Plates
  14. Men-at-Arms 14, septembre 1994 - The English Civil War Armies, par Peter Young (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Fighting
    The Horse
    The Foot
    The Train of Artillery
    The Plates
  15. Men-at-Arms 15, juin 1971 - Foot Grenadiers, par Charles Grant (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Last Hours
    The First Years
    The Empire
    Ulm and Austerlitz
    Eylau and Friedland
    Return to the Danube
    The Plates
  16. Men-at-Arms 16, juin 1973 - Frederick the Great’s Army, par Albert Seaton (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Rise of Prussia and Hohenzollern
    Prussia in the Kingdom
    The Crown Prince Frederick
    The Army
    Prussia Challenges Austria
    The Prussian Adventurer
    The First Silesian War
    The Second Silesian War
    Frederick’s New Model Army
    The Seven Years War
    The Plates
  17. Men-at-Arms 17, juin 1971 - The French Foreign Legion, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Old Legion
    Spain and the Carlist War, 1835-8
    Algeria, 1837-54
    The Crimea, 1854-6
    The Reduction of Kabylia
    Italy, 1859
    Mexico, 1863-7
    France and Algeria, 1867-82
    Indo-China, 1883-95
    Dahomey and the Sudan, 1892
    Madagascar, 1895
    North Africa, 1890-1914
    The First World War
    Africa, 1918-39
    The Second World War
    Indo-China, 1941-54
    The Legion Today
    The Plates
  18. Men-at-Arms 18, juin 1972 - George Washington’s Army, par Peter Young (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Chronology of the American War of Independence
    General Outline
    The Plates
  19. Men-at-Arms 19, juin 1971 - The Iron Brigade, par John Selby (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Bull Run
    Frederick’s Hall Raid
    The Maryland Campaign
    The Last Period
    The Plates
  20. Men-at-Arms 20, décembre 1973 - Japanese Army of World War II, par Philip Warner (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Japanese Concept of War
    How the Japanese Army fought
    The Far East Theatre
    The Plates
  21. Men-at-Arms 21, juin 1973 - The King’s Regiment, par Alan Shepperd (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Princess Anne’s Regiment
    First Battle Honours
    The West Indies
    The New World
    The Queen’s Own, 96th of Foot
    New Zealand
    The Crimea
    The Indian Mutiny
    South Africa
    The Great War
    The Western Front
    The Vineyard
    ‘A Bloody Slogging Match’
    The Twenty Years’ Armistice
    The Second World War
    The Chindits
    Kohima to Mandalay
    Normandy and Victory in the West
    The White Horse and Fleur-de-Lis
    The Plates
  22. Men-at-Arms 22, juin 1972 - Luftwaffe Airborne and Field Units, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Division “Herman Göring”
    Luftwaffen Feld-Divisionen
    The Plates
  23. Men-at-Arms 23, juin 1973 - Montcalm’s Army, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The First Round
    Fort William Henry
    Louisbourg and Fort Carillon
    The Winter of Despair
    The Plates
  24. Men-at-Arms 24, mars 1982 - The Panzer Divisions, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Richard Hook (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Cardboard Chariots
    Lightning War: September 1939-November 1941
    African Slideshow
    The Decline
    The Divisions
    The Plates
  25. Men-at-Arms 25, juin 1973 - The Royal Artillery, par W.Y. Carman (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Early History
    The Royal Regiment of Artillery 1714-83
    The Napoleonic Wars
    Royal Artillery in Two World Wars
    Post-War Years
    Growth and Development of the Royal Artillery
    The Plates
  26. Men-at-Arms 26, juin 1972 - Royal Scots Greys, par Charles Grant (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Early Years
    The Wars of Marlborough
    Later 18th Century Wars
    The end of the 18th Century
    The Crimea
    South Africa
    World War I
    World War II
    The Plates
  27. Men-at-Arms 27, juin 1973 - The Russian Army of the Crimea, par Albert Seaton (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Russia in Europe
    Moscow 1812
    Alexander’s Military Experiments
    The Small Wars
    The Russian High Command
    Russian Officers and the German Influence
    The Field Army
    Russian Infantry
    Cavalry and Cossacks
    Artillery and Engineers
    Nicholas’s Foreign Pretensions
    The Crimean Landing
    The Battle of the Alma
    The Storming of Sevastopol
    The Plates
  28. Men-at-Arms 28, juin 1979 - The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars, par Albert Seaton (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Peter the Great
    Early Eighteenth Century Changes
    Catherine the Great
    Russia makes war in Europe
    The Influence of Suvorov
    The Gatchina Corps
    The Emperor Paul
    The Army under Alexander I
    The Long Armistice
    The War of 1812
    From Smolensk to Borodino
    The Destruction of the Grand Army
    The End of the Napoleonic Wars
    The Plates
  29. Men-at-Arms 29, juin 1972 - The Soviet Army, par Albert Seaton (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Tsarist Heritage
    The Revolution
    The Birth of the Red Army
    The Civil War
    The Russo-Polish War
    The End of the Civil War
    An Army without confidence
    The Great Purges
    Soviet Expansionism and the Threat of War
    The Russo-Finnish Winter War
    The Trial of Strength - June 1941
    Moscow 1941
    From Victory to Victory
    The Far East
    The Soviet Army
    A Modern Army
    The Plates
  30. Men-at-Arms 30, juin 1971 - The Stonewall Brigade, par John Selby (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    T.J. Jackson
    First Bull Run
    The Valley
    The Seven Days’ Battles
    The Plates
  31. Men-at-Arms 31, juin 1972 - 30th Punjabis, par James Lawford (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Early Days 1857-1914
    The First World War
    The Years Between the Wars, 1919-1939
    The Second World War
    The Plates
  32. Men-at-Arms 32, juin 1972 - United States Marine Corps, par John Selby (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Second World War
    The Plates
  33. Men-at-Arms 33, juin 1972 - The US Cavalry, par John Selby (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Early Years, 1772-1848
    The Civil War 1861-5
    The Frontier 1865-90
    From Horses to Helicopters
    The Plates
  34. Men-at-Arms 34, mars 1982 - The Waffen-SS, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Jeffrey Burn (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Evolution of the Waffen-SS
    The Divisions
    The Plates
  35. Men-at-Arms 35, juin 1973 - Wellington’s Peninsular Army, par James Lawford (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Staff
    The Infantry
    The Cavalry
    Sieges and Sappers
    The Plates
  36. Men-at-Arms 36, 1974 - The American War 1812-1814, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations). Réédition sous le n° 226 en novembre 1990 avec de nouvelles illustrations
    Sommaire :
    The War
    The British Army
    The American Army
    The Militia
    The Plates
  37. Men-at-Arms 37, avril 1975 - The Army of Northern Virginia, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniforms and Insignia
    The Confederate Soldier
    Arms and Accoutrements
    Technical and Medical Corps
    The Plates
  38. Men-at-Arms 38, septembre 1974 - Army of the Potomac, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Michael Youens (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Men and their Regiment
    The Infantry Regiment
    Personal Equipment
    Weapons and Insignia
    The Artillery
    The Cavalry
    The Technical Corps
    The Medical Service
    Corps Insignia
    The Plates
  39. Men-at-Arms 39, janvier 1998 - The British Army in North America 1775–83, par Robin May (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Raising an Army
    The Redcoats' War
    A Diary of the American Revolution
    The Royal Warrant of 1768 for Infantry Clothing, Colours & c.
    The Plates
  40. Men-at-Arms 40, juin 1974 - The British Army of the Crimea, par J.B.R. Nicholson (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    General Officers and Staff
    The Cavalry
    The Artillery
    The Infantry
  41. Men-at-Arms 41, juin 1974 - The Gurkha Rifles, par J.B.R. Nicholson (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Early History
    The Nepal War
    Early Years
    The Great Mutiny
    Post-Mutiny Expansion
    The Umbeyla Campaign
    The 3rd Afghan War
    Burma 2nd Assam
    The Tirah Campaign
    Tibet 1903
    The World Wars
    New Formations
    Notes on Uniforms
  42. Men-at-Arms 42, juin 1974 - The King’s German Legion, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Origins of the Legion
    The Organization of the Legion
    The Battle History of the Legion
    With Wellington in the Peninsula
    Withdrawal: Autumn 1809
    The 1810 Campaigns
    1811: Barossa and Albuera
    Massena’s Withdrawal
    1812: Year of Victories
    1813: Into France
    Operations in Northern Europe
    The Year 1814
    The End in the Mediterranean
    Quatre Bras
    The Legion at Waterloo
    The Fall of La Haye Sainte
    The Disbanding of the Legion
    The Organisation of the Legion
    Personnal Weapons
    Infantry Weapons
    Cavalry Horse Furniture
    Hair and Beards
    Flags and Standards
    Battle Honours
    The Plates
  43. Men-at-Arms 43, janvier 1976 - Napoleon's German Allies (2). Nassau & Oldenburg, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Organization of Nassau's Troops 1806-1815
    The Duchy of Oldenburg in the Napoleonic Wars
    The Battle History of Nassau's Troops
    The Uniforms of Nassau's Troops 1803-1815
    The Plates
  44. Men-at-Arms 44, avril 1992 - Napoleon's German Allies (1). Westfalia and Kleve-Berg, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Rick Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Napoleon's German Allies
    Formation of the Army of Berg
    Origins of the Westfalian Army
    Uniforms of the Westfalian Army
    Flags and Standards of the Westfalian Army
    Uniforms of the Army of Berg
    Flags and Standards of the Grand Duchy of Berg
    Campaigns of the Westfalian Army
    Russia, 1812
    Campaigns of the Troops of Berg
    The Regiment Westfalen
    The Plates
  45. Men-at-Arms 45, juin 1974 - Napoleon’s Polish Troops, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Grand Duchy of Warsaw
    The Poles in Spain
    In Poland, 1809
    Russia 1812
    The Last Act
    The Plates
  46. Men-at-Arms 46, mars 1984 - The Roman Army from Caesar to Trajan, par Michael Simkins (texte) et Ronald Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Compostion of the Army
    Entry, Training and Campaign Routines
    Arms and Armour
    The Plates
  47. Men-at-Arms 47, juin 1975 - The South Wales Borderers, par Christopher Wilkinson-Latham (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Dering’s Regiment
    Malborough’s Wars
    18th Century Campaigns
    America 1776-1777
    The Napoleonic Wars
    The Zulu War
    A New Title
    The World Wars
    Between the Wars
    An End and a Beginning
    The Plates
  48. Men-at-Arms 48, janvier 1997 - Wolfe's Army, par Robin May (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Unending Conflict
    Mismanagement and Massacre
    The 1758 Campaigns
    With Wolfe to Quebec
    The Fall of New France
    The Plates
  49. Men-at-Arms 49, juin 1971 - The Coldstream Guards, par Charles Grant (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Monck’s Regiment
    The Seventeenth Century
    The Napoleonic Wars
    The Crimea
    Egypt, Sudan and South Africa
    World War I
    World War I I
    The Plates
  50. Men-at-Arms 50, avril 1975 - Medieval European Armies, par Terence Wise (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Raising a Feudal Army
    The Mercenaries
    The First National Armies
    The Plates
  51. Men-at-Arms 51, juin 1975 - Spanish Armies of the Napoleonic Wars, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Spain in the Napoleonic Era
    The Spanish Army of 1808
    Spanish Uniforms: Pre-1808
    The Army of King Joseph, 1808-14
    Infantry 1814-1815
    The Plates
  52. Men-at-Arms 52, janvier 1975 - The Royal Green Jackets, par Christopher Wilkinson-Latham (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Early History of Component Regiments
    The Napoleonic Wars, 1804-1815
    19th Century Campaigns
    The Boer War
    The Great War
    Between the Wars
    The Second World War
    The Plates
  53. Men-at-Arms 53, juin 1976 - Rommel’s Desert Army, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Chronology of the Desert War
    African Service of German Divisions
    The Plates
  54. Men-at-Arms 54, juin 1975 - Napoleon’s Artillery, par Robert Wilkinson-Latham (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Artillery Equipment
    Organisation of the Imperial Artillery 1804-1815
    Napoleon’s Allies
    Artillery in the Revolutionary Wars 1792-1804
    The Napoleonic Wars 1804-1815
    Waterloo Campaign 1815
    The Plates
  55. Men-at-Arms 55, mars 1976 - Napoleon's Dragoons and Lancers, par Emir Bukhari (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Men
    Dragoon Uniform
    Lancer Uniform
    Horse Furniture
    The Foot Dragoons
    War Service of Individual Regiments
    The Plates
  56. Men-at-Arms 56, mai 1989 - The Mexican-American War 1846–48, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Volunteers
    The Infantry
    The Artillery
    The Cavalry
    The Specialists
    The Staff
    The Mexican Army
    The Infantry
    The Cavalry
    The Artillery
    The Specialists
    The Staff
    Battles and Participants
    The Plates
  57. Men-at-Arms 57, janvier 1976 - The Zulu War, par Angus McBride (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Rise of the Zulu
    The Zulu on Campaign
    The Outbreak of War
    The Second Invasion
    The Plates
  58. Men-at-Arms 58, mars 1976 - The Landsknechts, par Douglas Miller (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Tactics and Formation
    Artillery and Equipment
    The Campaigns
    The Plates
  59. Men-at-Arms 59, mars 1976 - The Sudan Campaigns 1881–98, par Robert Wilkinson-Latham (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The British Army of the 1880's
    The Anglo-Egyptian Army
    The Dervish Army
    Egypt and the Sudan
    The Rise of Mahdism and the Arab Revolt
    The Sudan 1881-1883
    The Sudan 1884
    Gordon, Khartoum and the Nile Expedition
    After Khartoum 1885-1896
    The Re-conquest of the Sudan 1896-1898
    The Plates
  60. Men-at-Arms 60, juin 1976 - Scandinavian Armies in the Napoleonic Wars, par Jack Cassin-Scott (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Copenhagen 1807
    Russia invades Finland
    The 1813 Campaigns
    The Plates
  61. Men-at-Arms 61, juin 1977 - The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Organisation 1809
    The Plates
  62. Men-at-Arms 62, juin 1977 - The Boer War, par Christopher Wilkinson-Latham (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Background
    The Armies
    The Campaigns
    The Plates
  63. Men-at-Arms 63, mars 1977 - The American Indian Wars 1860–90, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Plains Indians
    The Apaches
    The Army
    The Plates
  64. Men-at-Arms 64, juin 1977 - Napoleon's Cuirassiers and Carabiniers, par Emir Bukhari (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Dress and Equipment
    War Service of Individual Regiments
    The Carabinier Regiments
    The Plates
  65. Men-at-Arms 65, juin 1977 - The Royal Navy 1790–1970, par Robert Wilkinson-Latham (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The First Uniforms
    The Early Victorian Navy
    Uniforms for Seamen
    Birth of the Modern Navy
    The World Wars
    Today’s Navy
    The Plates
  66. Men-at-Arms 66, juin 1977 - Montgomery’s Desert Army, par John Wilkinson-Latham (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The North Africa Campaign, 1940-43
    Enter Rommel
    Auchinleck Regroups
    Montgomery and El Alamein
    Pursuit to Tunisia
    War in the Desert
    Main Weapons
    The Plates
  67. Men-at-Arms 67, juin 1977 - The Indian Mutiny, par Christopher Wilkinson-Latham (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Devil's Wind
    The Plates
  68. Men-at-Arms 68, juin 1977 - Napoleon's Line Chasseurs, par Emir Bukhari (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Dress and Equipment
    Saddles and Harness
    War Records and Regimental Histories
    The Plates
  69. Men-at-Arms 69, juin 1977 - The Greek and Persian Wars 500–323 BC, par Jack Cassin-Scott (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Ionian Revolt
    Plataea and Mycale
    The Peloponnesian War
    Alexander the great
    The Plates
  70. Men-at-Arms 70, mars 1978 - The US Army 1941–45, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Chris Collingwood (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniform Colours
    Uniform Regulations
    Personal Equipment
    The Plates
  71. Men-at-Arms 71, juin 1977 - The British Army 1965–80, par David Smith (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Standard Items and Terms
    The Household Division
    The Royal Armoured Corps
    The Scottish Division
    The Queen’s Division
    The King’s Division
    The Prince of Wales’s Division
    The Light Division
    The Brigade of Gurkhas
    The Plates
  72. Men-at-Arms 72, décembre 1977 - North-West Frontier 1837–1947, par Robert Wilkinson-Latham (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    First Afghan War
    Retreat and Massacre
    Second Afghan War
    Chitral, Malakand and Tirah
    Third Afghan War
    The Last Years
    The Plates
  73. Men-at-Arms 73, juillet 1989 - The Grenadier Guards, par David Fraser (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Early Days
    The Struggle With France
    Victorian Wars
    The First World War
    The Second World War
    The Post-War Years
    The Plates
  74. Men-at-Arms 74, juillet 1978 - The Spanish Civil War 1936–39, par Patrick Turnbull (texte) et Jeffrey Burn (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Republican Army
    The Nationalist Army
    The Campaign
    The Plates
  75. Men-at-Arms 75, mars 1978 - Armies of the Crusades, par Terence Wise (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Armies of Christendom
    The Armies of Islam
    The Plates
  76. Men-at-Arms 76, mars 1978 - Napoleon's Hussars, par Emir Bukhari (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Dress and Equipment
    Saddles and Harness
    War Records and Regimental Histories
    The Plates
  77. Men-at-Arms 77, mars 1978 - Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (1). Colours, Standards and Guidons of France and her Allies, par Terence Wise (texte) et Guido Rosignoli (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Polish Troops
    The Plates
  78. Men-at-Arms 78, mars 1978 - Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (2). Colours, Standards and Guidons of Austria, Britain, Prussia and Russia, par Terence Wise (texte) et Guido Rosignoli (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Plates
  79. Men-at-Arms 79, mars 1978 - Napoleon's Egyptian Campaigns 1798–1801, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The French Army
    The Mameluke and Turkish Armies
    The British Army
    The Battles
    The Plates
  80. Men-at-Arms 80, juillet 1978 - The German Army 1914–18, par Robert Marrion, Donald Fosten (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Unification of Germany
    The Ausmarsch, 1914
    Conscription and Mobilization
    The Plates
  81. Men-at-Arms 81, octobre 1978 - The British Army 1914–18, par Robert Marrion, Donald Fosten (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Command Structure
    Orders of Battle
    The Plates
  82. Men-at-Arms 82, juin 1978 - The US Army 1890–1920, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Chris Warner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Spanish-American War
    China and Mexico
    World War I
    The Plates
  83. Men-at-Arms 83, mars 1978 - Napoleon's Guard Cavalry, par Emir Bukhari (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Heavy Cavalry
    The Medium Cavalry
    The Light Cavalry
    The Light Horse lancers
    The Plates
  84. Men-at-Arms 84, octobre 1990 - Wellington's Generals, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Command and Staff System of Wellington's Army
    Henry Paget, Earl of Uxbridge
    Thomas Graham
    Edward Paget
    Stapleton Cotton
    Rowland Hill
    William Beresford
    Thomas Picton
    Galbraith Lowry Cole
    Robert Craufurd
    Charles von Alten
    Edward Pakenham
    George Murray
    The Plates
  85. Men-at-Arms 85, mars 1979 - Saxon, Viking and Norman, par Terence Wise (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Saxons
    The Vikings
    The Normans
    The Plates
  86. Men-at-Arms 86, mars 1979 - Samurai Armies 1550–1615, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Golden Age
    Samurai Armies
    Samurai Battles
    Dress and Equipment: Samurai
    Dress and Equipment: Ashigaru
    The Plates
  87. Men-at-Arms 87, mars 1979 - Napoleon's Marshals, par Emir Bukhari (texte) et Chris Warner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Marshals
    Uniforms and Accessories
    The Plates
  88. Men-at-Arms 88, mars 1992 - Napoleon's Italian and Neapolitan Troops, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Italian Army, 1796-1814
    Uniforms of the Italian Army
    The Neapolitan Army
    Uniforms of the Neapolitan Army
    Battle History
    The Plates
  89. Men-at-Arms 89, juillet 1979 - Byzantine Armies 886–1118, par Ian Heath (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Tagmata
    The Varangian Guard
    The Theme System
    The Terrible Day: Manzikert 1071
    The Post-Manzikurt Period
    The Plates
  90. Men-at-Arms 90, juillet 1979 - Napoleon's German Allies (3). Saxony 1806–15, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Reorganization, 1810-1812
    Russia, 1812
    The 1813 Campaigns
    In Allied Service
    The Uniforms
    The Plates
  91. Men-at-Arms 91, juillet 1979 - Bengal Cavalry Regiments 1857–1914, par Ronald Harris (texte) et Chris Warner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Regiments
    The Plates
  92. Men-at-Arms 92, juillet 1979 - Indian Infantry Regiments 1860–1914, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Jeffrey Burn (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Officers and Men
    On Campaign
    The Regiments
    The Plates
  93. Men-at-Arms 93, juin 1979 - The Roman Army from Hadrian to Constantine, par Michael Simkins (texte) et Ronald Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Great Wall
    Military Equipment
    The Plates
  94. Men-at-Arms 94, novembre 1979 - The Swiss at War 1300–1500, par Douglas Miller (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Tactics and Campaigns
    The Burgundian Wars
    The Plates
  95. Men-at-Arms 95, novembre 1979 - The Boxer Rebellion, par Lynn Bodin (texte) et Chris Warner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Siege at Pekin
    Seymour's Expedition
    Taku and Tientsin
    The Relief of Peking
    After Peking
    The Armies
    The Plates
  96. Men-at-Arms 96, novembre 1979 - Artillery Equipments of the Napoleonic Wars, par Terence Wise (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Equipments
    The Teams
    The Ammunition
    The Method of Firing
    The Plates
  97. Men-at-Arms 97, décembre 1980 - Marlborough's Army 1702–11, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Chronology of the War of the Spanish Succession
    Political and Military Background
    Officers and Men
    Organization, Armament and Employment
    Grand Tactics
    The British Army in the War of the Spanish Succession
    Uniform and Equipment
    The Plates
  98. Men-at-Arms 98, janvier 1980 - Dutch-Belgian Troops of the Napoleonic Wars, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Chris Warner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical Synopsis
    The Batavian Republic, 1795-1806
    Orders of Battle, 1795-1806
    Uniforms, Kingdom of Holland, 1806-10
    Orders of Battle, 1806-10
    Changes of Title, 1795-1814
    The Uniforms of 1814-15
    The 1815 Campaign
    Colours and Standards
    The Plates
  99. Men-at-Arms 99, mars 1980 - Medieval Heraldry, par Terence Wise (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    On Heraldry and Heralds
    The Shield
    The Livery and Maintenance System
    The Plates
  100. Men-at-Arms 100, juin 1980 - Women at War 1939–45, par Jack Cassin-Scott (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Great Britain
    United States of America
    The Plates
  101. Men-at-Arms 101, juillet 1980 - The Conquistadores, par Terence Wise (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Los Conquistadores
    The Aztecs
    The Incas
    The Maya
    The Plates
  102. Men-at-Arms 102, juin 1980 - The Wild Geese. The Irish Brigades of France and Spain, par Mark McLaughlin (texte) et Chris Warner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    In the Service of France
    In the Service of Spain
    The Plates
  103. Men-at-Arms 103, juillet 1980 - Germany's Spanish Volunteers 1941–45, par John Scurr (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Blue Division
    1941: The Blooding at Possad
    1942: Lake Ilmen and the Volkhov Pocket
    1942-43: Poselok and Krasny Bor
    The Blue Squadron and the Blue Legion
    The Plates
  104. Men-at-Arms 104, juillet 1980 - Armies of the Vietnam War 1962–75, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical Background
    Uniforms The U.S. Army
    The Special Forces
    The U.S. Air Force
    The U.S. Navy
    The U.S. Marine Corps
    South Vietnamese Forces
    Allied Forces
    Communist Forces
    The Plates
  105. Men-at-Arms 105, novembre 1980 - The Mongols, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Rise of the Mongols
    The Mongol Warrior
    Mongol Armies
    Mongol Warfare
    Mongol Sieges
    The Mongols in Russia and Europe
    The Plates
  106. Men-at-Arms 106, novembre 1980 - Napoleon's German Allies (4). Bavaria, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniforms and Organisation 1792-99
    Uniforms and Organisation 1799-1815
    Bavarian Combat Involvement and Orders of Battle 1800-15
    Bavarian Colours and Standards
    The Plates
  107. Men-at-Arms 107, novembre 1999, - British Infantry Equipments (1). 1808–1908, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Evolution of Infantry Equipments
    Infantry Knapsack Equipments 1808-71
    The 1871 Valise Equipment
    The 1882 and 1888 Valise Equipment
    The Pattern 1903 Bandolier Equipment
    Officers' Equipment
    The Plates
  108. Men-at-Arms 108, janvier 2000 - British Infantry Equipments (2). 1908–2000, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Pattern 1908 Web Infantry Equipment
    The Pattern 1914 Leather Infantry Equipment
    The Pattern 1937 Web Equipment
    The 1942 Battle Jerkin
    The 1944 Pattern Web Equipment
    The 1958 Pattern Web Equipment
    Future Developments
    The Plates
  109. Men-at-Arms 109, mars 1981 - Ancient Armies of the Middle East, par Terence Wise (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Peoples
    The Plates
  110. Men-at-Arms 110, mars 1981 - New Model Army 1645–60, par Stuart Asquith (texte) et Chris Warner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniforms and Equipment
    Army Life
    The Plates
  111. Men-at-Arms 111, - mars 1981 The Armies of Crécy and Poitiers, par Christopher Rothero (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Hundred Years War
    The Chain of Command
    The Cavalry
    Cavalry Armour
    An Analysis of Crécy and Poitiers
    The Plates
  112. Men-at-Arms 112, mars 1981 - British Battledress 1937–61, par Brian Jewell (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Arrival of Battledress
    Evolution in Design
    Materials and Sizes
    Departures from Basic
    Applied Insignia
    The Plates
  113. Men-at-Arms 113, juillet 1981 - The Armies of Agincourt, par Christopher Rothero (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Campaign
    The Battle
    Analysis of the Battle
    The Plates
  114. Men-at-Arms 114, mars 1981 - Wellington's Infantry (1), par Bryan Fosten (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Composition of the Infantry
    Commanders and Staff
    Army Life
    Weapons and Equipment
    Movements and Drill
    Regimental Distinctions
    The Plates
  115. Men-at-Arms 115, juillet 1984 - Flags of the Napoleonic Wars (3), par Terence Wise (texte) et Guido Rosignoli (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Holland (The Netherlands)
    The Plates
  116. Men-at-Arms 116, juillet 1981 - The Special Air Service, par James Shortt (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    From Regiment to Brigade
    The post-war SAS
    22nd SAS Regiment
    The Fight Against Terrorism
    RM Special Boat Squadron
    Foreign SAS Units
    The Plates
  117. Men-at-Arms 117, janvier 1982 - The Polish Army 1939–45, par Steven J Zaloga (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The September 1939 Campaign
    The Polish Army in Exile
    The Underground Army
    The Polish People's Army (LWP)
    Hope in Ashes
    The Plates
  118. Men-at-Arms 118, janvier 1982 - The Jacobite Rebellions 1689–1745, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Chronology of the Jacobite Rebellions
    The Jacobite Forces
    The Government Forces
    The Plates
  119. Men-at-Arms 119, mars 1982 - Wellington's Infantry (2), par Bryan Fosten (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Light Infantry Regiments
    The Rifle Corps
    The Highland Regiments
    Other Units
    The Plates
  120. Men-at-Arms 120, janvier 1982 - Allied Commanders of World War II, par Anthony Kemp (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Commanders
    The Plates
  121. Men-at-Arms 121, mars 1982 - Armies of the Carthaginian Wars 265–146 BC, par Terence Wise (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Carthaginians
    The Romans
    The Plates
  122. Men-at-Arms 122, mars 1982 - Napoleon's German Allies (5). Hesse, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Hessian Lands
    Hessen-Darmstadt: Organization and Uniforms, 1792
    Campaign History Extracts
    Colours and Standards
    Hessen-Kassel Uniforms, 1792
    Hessen-Kessel Uniforms, from 1813
    Colours and Standards
    The Plates
  123. Men-at-Arms 123, mars 1982 - The Australian Army at War 1899–1975, par John Laffin (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Seeds of Legend
    South Africa 1899-1902
    Pre-1914 Training
    The Diggers 1914-18
    The 'Young' Diggers - 1939-45
    Korea, Malaya, Borneo and Vietnam
    The Plates
  124. Men-at-Arms 124, janvier 1982 - German Commanders of World War II, par Anthony Kemp (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The German Armed Forces
    The Commanders
    The Plates
  125. Men-at-Arms 125, juillet 1982 - The Armies of Islam 7th–11th Centuries, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The First Muslim Armies
    The Successor States
    European Influence in al Andalus
    Tactics and Styles of Combat
    The Plates
  126. Men-at-Arms 126, juillet 1982 - Wellington's Light Cavalry, par Bryan Fosten (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Light Cavalry Establishments
    Drills, Tactics and Movements
    Representative Orders of Battle
    The Plates
  127. Men-at-Arms 127, juillet 1982 - The Israeli Army in the Middle East Wars 1948–73, par John Laffin (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Israeli Approach
    Israel's Six Wars
    War of Independence 1948-49
    The 1956 War
    The Six-Day War
    The War of Attrition
    The October War
    Zahal since 1973
    The Plates
  128. Men-at-Arms 128, juin 1982 - Arab Armies of the Middle East Wars 1948–73, par John Laffin (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    A Study in Martial Development
    The Egyptian Experience
    The Great Crossing
    Syrians on the Heights
    The Hard-Hitting Jordanians
    The Plates
  129. Men-at-Arms 129, novembre 1982 - Rome's Enemies (1). Germanics and Dacians, par Peter Wilcox (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Warrior
    The Plates
  130. Men-at-Arms 130, novembre 1982 - Wellington's Heavy Cavalry, par Bryan Fosten (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Duties, Equipment and Miscellanea
    Cavalry Tactics
    The Volunteer Cavalry
    The Plates
  131. Men-at-Arms 131, novembre 1982 - Germany's Eastern Front Allies 1941–45, par Peter Abbott (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Other Allies
    The Plates
  132. Men-at-Arms 132, juin 1982 - The Malayan Campaign 1948–60, par John Scurr (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Emergency
    The Forces Involved
    The Jungle War
    A Soldier’s Life
    The Crucial Years
    The Deep Jungle
    The Final Push
    The Plates
  133. Men-at-Arms 133, novembre 1982 - Battle for the Falklands (1). Land Forces, par Will Fowler (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Invasion
    The Task Force and its Opponents
    South Georgia and Pebble Island
    San Carlos and After
    The Plates
  134. Men-at-Arms 134, novembre 1982 - Battle for the Falklands (2). Naval Forces, par Adrian English et Anthony Watts (texte)
    Sommaire :
    The Invasion
    The Opposing Forces
    The Campaign
    Summary and Conclusions
  135. Men-at-Arms 135, novembre 1982 - Battle for the Falklands (3). Air Forces, par Roy Braybrook (texte) et Michael Roffe (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Problems
    The Preparations
    The War in the Air
    The Plates
  136. Men-at-Arms 136, mars 1983 - Italian Medieval Armies 1300–1500, par David Nicolle (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Medieval Mercenaries
    The Great Captains
    State Armies
    'Good War'-'Bad War'
    The Plates
  137. Men-at-Arms 137, mars 1983 - The Scythians 700–300 BC, par E.V. Cernenko (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Defensive Armour
    Offensive Weapons
    The Scythian Army
    The Persian Invasion
    Scythian Warcraft
    The Plates
  138. Men-at-Arms 138, mars 1983 - British Cavalry Equipments 1800-1941, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations).revised edition, avril 2002
    Sommaire :
    1800 to 1815
    1815 to 1890
    1890 to 1914
    1914 to 1941
    The Plates
  139. Men-at-Arms 139, mars 1983 - German Airborne Troops 1939–45, par Bruce Quarrie (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Fallschirmjager Role
    Fallschirmjager Operations
    Ground Operations
    The Plates
  140. Men-at-Arms 140, juillet 1983 - Armies of the Ottoman Turks 1300–1774, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Gazi State
    The Ottoman Army, 14th to 16th Centuries
    The Struggle for Military Reform, 17th to 18th Centuries
    Arms, Armour, Fortification and the Fleet
    Chronology of Ottoman Conquests and Losses
    Campaigns and Battles
    The Plates
  141. Men-at-Arms 141, juillet 1983 - Napoleon's Line Infantry, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Regiments of the Line
    The Plates
  142. Men-at-Arms 142, mars 1983 - Partisan Warfare 1941–45, par Nigel Thomas, Peter Abbott (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Plates
  143. Men-at-Arms 143, juillet 1983 - Armies of the Vietnam War (2), par Lee E Russell (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    US Army Uniforms and Insignia
    US Marine Corps Combat Uniforms and Insignia
    ARVN Uniforms and Insignia
    NVA Uniforms and Insignia
    The Plates
  144. Men-at-Arms 144, novembre 1983 - Armies of Medieval Burgundy 1364–1477, par Nicholas Michael (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Charles the Bold's Permanent Army
    The Army in the Field
    Arms and Armour
    The Plates
  145. Men-at-Arms 145, novembre 1983 - The Wars of the Roses, par Terence Wise (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Wars of the Roses
    The Armies
    Liveries and Badges
    The Plates
  146. Men-at-Arms 146, novembre 1983 - Napoleon's Light Infantry, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Light Infantry Tactics
    Weapons and Equipment
    Regiments of Light Infantry
    The Plates
  147. Men-at-Arms 147, novembre 1983 - Foreign Volunteers of the Wehrmacht 1941–45, par Carlos Caballero Jurado (texte) et Kevin Lyles (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Western European Volunteers
    Balkan Volunteers
    The Eastern Volunteers
    The Plates
  148. Men-at-Arms 148, mars 1984 - The Army of Alexander the Great, par Nicholas Sekunda (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Philip's Army
    The Cavalry
    The Infantry
    The Plates
  149. Men-at-Arms 149, mars 1984 - Prussian Light Infantry 1792–1815, par Peter Hofschröer (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Historical Background
    Drill and Training
    Armament and Arms Training
    The Light Infantry at War
    The Plates
  150. Men-at-Arms 150, juillet 1984 - The Age of Charlemagne, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Carolingian Army 750-850 AD
    The Failure of the Carolingian System 850-950 AD
    The Revival of Europe 950-1000 AD
    Arms, Armour and Fortification 950-1000 AD
    The Plates
  151. Men-at-Arms 151, juillet 1984 - The Scottish and Welsh Wars 1250–1400, par Christopher Rothero (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Welsh Wars 1277-1282
    The First Scottish War of Independence
    The Second War of Independence
    Owen Glendower
    Arms and Amour, 1250-1400
    The Plates
  152. Men-at-Arms 152, juillet 1984 - Prussian Line Infantry 1792–1815, par Peter Hofschröer (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical Development
    The Common Soldier
    The Officer Corps
    Drill and Tactics
    The Campaign of 1812
    The Plates
  153. Men-at-Arms 153, juillet 1984 - Napoleon's Guard Infantry (1), par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Infantry of the Guard: History
    The Regiments
    Grenadiers à Pied
    Chasseurs à Pied
    Dutch Grenadiers
    The Plates
  154. Men-at-Arms 154, mars 1984 - Arthur and the Anglo-Saxon Wars, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Arthurian Age
    Saxon and Celt
    Britian and the Vikings
    The Plates
  155. Men-at-Arms 155, novembre 1984 - Knights of Christ, par Terence Wise (texte) et Richard Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Church Militant
    Military Orders in the Holy Land
    The German Orders
    Spanish Military Orders
    The Italians Orders
    The Plates
  156. Men-at-Arms 156, novembre 1984 - The Royal Marines 1956–84, par Will Fowler (texte) et Paul Hannon (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Suez, 1956
    Cyprus, Aden and the Persian Gulf
    Confrontation in the Far East
    Evolution and Innovation
    Ulster Since 1969
    Training and Exercises
    Combat and Logistic Support
    The Falklands
    The Plates
  157. Men-at-Arms 157, juin 1984 - Flak Jackets. 20th-century military body armour, par Simon Dunstan (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Great War
    The Second World War
    The Korean War
    The Vietnam War
    Modern Body Armour
    The Plates
  158. Men-at-Arms 158, mars 1985 - Rome's Enemies (2). Gallic & British Celts, par Peter Wilcox (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Warrior
    Arms and Armour
    The Plates
  159. Men-at-Arms 159, mars 1985 - Grenada 1983, par Lee E Russell (texte) et Paul Hannon (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The 'New Jewel' Movement
    The Decision for Intervention
    The First Day: 25 October
    The Second Day: 26 October
    The Third Day: 27 October
    Final Operations
    The Plates
  160. Men-at-Arms 160, mars 1985 - Napoleon's Guard Infantry (2), par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Seamen of the Guard
    The Middle and Young Guards
    The Regiments
    Campaign Uniforms
    The Plates
  161. Men-at-Arms 161, juin 1985 - The Spanish Foreign Legion, par John Scurr (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Foundation: October 1920
    Melilla: 1921-23
    Xaüen and Alhucemas: 1924-27
    Asturias and the National Rising: 1934-36
    Civil War in Spain: 1936-39
    Ifni-Sahara: 1957-58
    End of a Mission: 1961-76
    The Plates
  162. Men-at-Arms 162, juillet 1985 - Prussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars (1). 1792–1807, par Peter Hofschröer (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Prussian Cavalry in 1806
    Cavalry in Action 1806
    Uniforms and Equipment
    The Plates
  163. Men-at-Arms 163, juillet 1985 - The American Plains Indians, par Jason Hook (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Community Structure and Camp Life
    Hunting and the Horse
    Religion, Ceremony and Medicine
    The Plates
  164. Men-at-Arms 164, juillet 1985 - The Canadian Army at War, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Canada and her Army
    1900-14: The Growing Commitment
    1914-18: Attrition
    1939-45: The Global War
    1950-53: United Nations Involvement
    The Plates
  165. Men-at-Arms 165, juillet 1985 - Armies in Lebanon 1982–84, par Sam Katz, Lee E Russell (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Background to Chaos
    The Invasion
    The Illusion of Victory
    The Plates
  166. Men-at-Arms 166, novembre 1985 - German Medieval Armies 1300–1500, par Christopher Gravett (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Plates
  167. Men-at-Arms 167, novembre 1985 - Brunswick Troops 1809–15, par Otto von Pivka (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    1809: 'The Black Band'
    The Peninsular War, 1810-14
    The 1815 Campaign
    Uniforms, 1809
    Uniforms in English Service, 1810-15
    Uniforms at Waterloo, 1815
    The Plates
  168. Men-at-Arms 168, mars 1985 - US Cavalry on the Plains 1850–90, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The 1850s
    The Civil War Years
    The Climax: 1866-76
    The Sioux War, 1876-77
    The Last Campaigns: 1881-91
    Cavalry Organisation
    Army Life on the Plains
    The Plates
  169. Men-at-Arms 169, mars 1985 - Resistance Warfare 1940–45, par Carlos Caballero Jurado (texte) et Paul Hannon (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    German Security Forces
    The SOE
    The Plates
  170. Men-at-Arms 170, janvier 1986 - American Civil War Armies (1). Confederate Troops, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Other Uniform Items
    Zouave and Chasseur Uniforms
    The Plates
  171. Men-at-Arms 171, mars 1986 - Saladin and the Saracens, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Saljuqs and Fatimids
    Saladin and the Ayyubids
    Disaster and Triumph
    Arms and Armour
    The Plates
  172. Men-at-Arms 172, mars 1985 - Prussian Cavalry of the Napoleonic Wars (2). 1807–15, par Peter Hofschröer (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Drill Regulation and Tactics
    Uniforms and Equipment
    The Plates
  173. Men-at-Arms 173, mars 1992 - The Alamo and the War of Texan Independence 1835–36, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Paul Hannon (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical Background
    The War of Texan Independence
    The Mexican Army
    The Texian Army
    The Plates
  174. Men-at-Arms 174, mars 1986 - The Korean War 1950–53, par Nigel Thomas, Peter Abbott (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Course of the War
    North Korea
    South Korea
    United States of America
    British Commonwealth
    Other United Nations Contingents
    People's Republic of China
    The Plates
  175. Men-at-Arms 175, juillet 1986 - Rome's Enemies (3). Parthians & Sassanid Persians, par Peter Wilcox (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Parthians
    Parthian Campaigns
    Sassanid Persia
    Sassanian Campaigns
    The Plates
  176. Men-at-Arms 176, juillet 1986 - Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1). Infantry, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Austrian Army
    Infantry: Organisation and Tactics
    Uniforms: Line Infantry
    Light Infantry
    The Plates
  177. Men-at-Arms 177, juillet 1986 - American Civil War Armies (2). Union Troops, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Other Uniform Items
    Zouave and Chasseur Uniforms
    The Plates
  178. Men-at-Arms 178, juin 1986 - Russia’s War in Afghanistan, par David Isby (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Land and the People
    Intrigue and Invasion
    The War
    Soviet Forces
    DRA Armed Forces
    The Afghan Resistance
    The Future
    The Plates
  179. Men-at-Arms 179, septembre 1987 - American Civil War Armies (3). Specialist Troops, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The US Army
    The US Navy
    The US Marine Corps
    The Confederate Army
    The Confederate Navy
    The Confederate States Marine Corps
    The Plates
  180. Men-at-Arms 180, mars 1986 - Rome's Enemies (4). Spanish Armies, par Rafael Treviño Martinez (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Peoples of Protohistoric Spain
    Warfare in Ancient Spain
    Impact of the Hispanic Wars on Rome
    The Campaigns of Viriatus
    The Numantine Wars
    Armour and Weapons
    Hispanic Cavalry
    Balearic Slingers
    The Plates
  181. Men-at-Arms 181, novembre 1986 - Austrian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2). Cavalry, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniforms: German Cavalry
    The Plates
  182. Men-at-Arms 182, novembre 1986 - British Battle Insignia (1). 1914–18, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Identification in Battle
    British Army Divisions 1914-18
    The Plates
  183. Men-at-Arms 183, juin 1986 - Modern African Wars (1). Rhodesia 1965–80, par Philip Botham, Peter Abbott (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Rhodesian War
    The Patriotic Front Forces
    The Course of the War
    The Security Forces
    The Plates
  184. Men-at-Arms 184, avril 1987 - Polish Armies 1569–1696 (1), par Richard Brzezinski (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Organisation and Recruitment
    The Lithuanian Army
    Pospolite Ruszenie (Levy of the Nobility)
    Flags, Command Insignia and Field Signs
    The Plates
  185. Men-at-Arms 185, avril 1987 - The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1). Infantry 1799–1814, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Paul Hannon (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Russian Army
    Uniforms: Paul I (1796-1801)
    Uniforms, Alexander I: Line Infantry
    Jäger Uniforms
    Guard Uniform, 1801-14
    Opelchenie (Militia)
    The Plates
  186. Men-at-Arms 186, mars 1987 - The Apaches, par Jason Hook (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Apache Tribes
    Apache Life
    The Apache Wars
    War with the Americans
    The Plates
  187. Men-at-Arms 187, avril 1987 - British Battle Insignia (2). 1939–45, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    British Battle Insignia 1939-45
    British Army Divisions 1939-45
    British Army Uniforms 1939-45
    The Plates
  188. Men-at-Arms 188, juin 1988 - Polish Armies 1569–1696 (2), par Richard Brzezinski (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Foreign Autorament
    The Royal Guard
    Private Armies
    Town and City Forces
    The Zaporozhian Cossacks
    Warfare in Poland
    The Plates
  189. Men-at-Arms 189, mars 1987 - The Russian Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2). Cavalry, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Russian Cavalry
    Mounted Jagers (or Chasseurs)
    The Lifeguard
    Opolchenie and 'Foreign Corps'
    The Plates
  190. Men-at-Arms 190, mars 1987 - American Civil War Armies (4). State Troops, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Delaware & District of Columbia
    New Hampshire
    New Jersey
    New York
    North Carolina
    Rhode Island
    South Carolina
    The Plates
  191. Men-at-Arms 191, novembre 1987 - Henry VIII's Army, par Paul Cornish (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Campaigns and Battles
    Recruitment and Organisation
    The Plates
  192. Men-at-Arms 192, novembre 1987 - Prussian Reserve, Militia & Irregular Troops 1806–15, par Peter Hofschröer (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Freikorps and Foreign Units
    The Militia
    The Battle on the Goehrde, 16 September 1813
    The Plates
  193. Men-at-Arms 193, juillet 1987 - The British Army on Campaign 1816-1902 (1). 1816–53, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Pierre Turner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Campaigns 1816-53
    Fighting Methods
    The Plates
  194. Men-at-Arms 194, mars 1988 - Arab Armies of the Middle East Wars (2), par Sam Katz (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Battle for Honour; Egypt 1967-73
    Egypt since 1973
    Jordan; 'Black September', 1970
    The Syrian Army under Assad
    The Palestinian Guerrilla Movements 1948-87
    The Palestine Liberation Organisation
    Labanon's Warring Factions
    The Plates
  195. Men-at-Arms 195, mars 1988 - Hungary and the fall of Eastern Europe 1000–1568, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Plates
  196. Men-at-Arms 196, novembre 1987 - The British Army on Campaign (2). The Crimea 1854–56, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Pierre Turner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Crimean War
    Fighting Methods
    Uniforms, Equipment, Weapons
    The Plates
  197. Men-at-Arms 197, mars 1988 - The Royal Canadian Mounted Police 1873–1987, par David Ross (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Beginnings
    The March West
    The Task of the Mounted Police
    The Formation of the RCMP
    The Plates
  198. Men-at-Arms 198, mars 1988 - The British Army on Campaign (3). 1856–81, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Pierre Turner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Campaigns 1856-1881
    Fighting Methods
    Regulation Uniforms, Equipment & Weapons
    Campaign Modifications
    The Plates
  199. Men-at-Arms 199, juillet 1998 - Napoleon's Specialist Troops, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Supply and Commissariat
    Imperial Guard Artillery
    Medical Services
    The Plates
  200. Men-at-Arms 200, juillet 1988 - El Cid and the Reconquista 1050–1492, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Christian Armies 1050-1150
    Taifa and Almoravid Armies
    Christian Armies 1150-1300
    Almohades and Andalusians 1120-1270
    14th Century Christian Armies
    The Kingdom of Granada
    Siege, Fortification and Firearms
    The Plates
  201. Men-at-Arms 201, juillet 1988 - The British Army on Campaign (4). 1882–1902, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Pierre Turner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Campaigns 1882-1902
    Fighting Methods
    Uniforms, Equipment and Weapons
    Campaign Modifications
    The Plates
  202. Men-at-Arms 202, juillet 1988 - Modern African Wars (2). Angola and Mozambique 1961–74, par Peter Abbott (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Portugal's African Empire
    The Liberation Movements
    The Portuguese Forces
    The Portuguese Forces in Action
    The Plates
  203. Men-at-Arms 203, novembre 1988 - Louis XIV's Army, par René Chartrand (texte) et Francis Back (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Era of Louis XIV
    The Army in 1661
    Units, Uniforms & Weapons: Maison du Roi
    Line Infantry
    Line Cavalry
    Colours and Standards
    The Plates
  204. Men-at-Arms 204, novembre 1988 - Wellington's Specialist Troops, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Royal Artillery
    Commissariat & Transport
    Medical Services
    The Plates
  205. Men-at-Arms 205, janvier 1989 - US Army Combat Equipments 1910–88, par Gordon L Rottman (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The M1910 Infantry Equipment
    The M1912/14 Cavalry Equipment
    The M1917/18 Equipment
    Early World War II Improved 1910 Equipment
    Late World War II M1910 Equipment
    The M1956 Load Carrying Equipment
    The M1967 Modernized Load Carrying Equipment
    The All-Purpose Lightweight Individual Carrying Equipment
    The Integrated Individual Fighting System
    The Plates
  206. Men-at-Arms 206, mars 1989 - The Hanoverian Army of the Napoleonic Wars, par Peter Hofschröer (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Army of the Electorate of Hanover, 1792-1803
    Uniforms to 1803
    The King's German Legion
    The New Army 1813-16
    The Plates
  207. Men-at-Arms 207, mars 1989 - American Civil War Armies (5). Volunteer Militia, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Volunteers of 1860-65
    District of Columbia
    New Hampshire
    New Jersey
    New York
    North Carolina
    Rhode Island
    South Carolina
    The Plates
  208. Men-at-Arms 208, mars 1989 - Lawrence and the Arab Revolts, par David Nicolle (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Arabs in the Ottoman Army
    The Sanussi and the Sahara
    The Arab Revolt and his Rivals
    The War in Southern Arabia
    Iraq and the Gulf
    The Egyptian Army
    The Plates
  209. Men-at-Arms 209, juin 1989 - The War in Cambodia 1970–75, par Ken Bowra, Kenneth Conboy (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Course of the War
    U.S. Military Assistance
    The Cambodian Armed Forces
    Special Operations
    Uniforms and Equipment
    The Communist Forces
    The Plates
  210. Men-at-Arms 210, mars 1989 - The Venetian Empire 1200–1670, par David Nicolle (texte) et Christopher Rothero (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    A State Apart
    The Age of Expansion 1203-1509
    Venice on the Defensive
    Arms and Armour
    The Plates
  211. Men-at-Arms 211, juillet 1989 - Napoleon's Overseas Army, par René Chartrand (texte) et Francis Back (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    French Colonial Troops in 1789
    Turmoil and War
    The Americas and Africa
    India and the East Indies
    The Dutch Colonies
    The Plates
  212. Men-at-Arms 212, juillet 1989 - Queen Victoria's Enemies (1). Southern Africa, par Ian Knight (texte) et Richard Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Xhosa
    The Basotho
    The Tswana
    The Boers
    The Plates
  213. Men-at-Arms 213, juillet 1989 - German Military Police Units 1939–45, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Feldgendarmerie des Heeres
    Geheime Feldpolizei
    Other Army Police Services
    Waffen-SS Feldgendarmerie
    Luftwaffe Police
    Marine Kustenpolizei
    Police Combat Units
    The Plates
  214. Men-at-Arms 214, novembre 1989 - US Infantry Equipments 1775–1910, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Blankets, Ponchos, Shelter Halves
    Canteens and Water Bottles
    Cartridge Boxes
    Waist Belts & Bayonet Scabbards
    Rifle Equipment
    Officers' Equipment
    Experimental Systems
    The Plates
  215. Men-at-Arms 215, novembre 1989 - Queen Victoria's Enemies (2). Northern Africa, par Ian Knight (texte) et Richard Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Abyssinia 1868
    Egypt 1882
    The Sudan
    Kenya, Northern Nigeria, Somaliland
    The Plates
  216. Men-at-Arms 216, novembre 1989 - The Red Army of the Great Patriotic War 1941–45, par Steven J Zaloga (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Red Army in 1941
    Organisation of the Soviet Armed Forces: The Rifle Forces
    Red Army Cavalry
    Tank and Mechanised Forces
    Other Combat Branches
    Red Army Uniforms
    The Plates
  217. Men-at-Arms 217, novembre 1989 - The War in Laos 1960–75, par Kenneth Conboy (texte) et Simon McCouaig (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Course of the War
    Laotian Government Forces
    Government Allied Forces
    Communist Forces
    The Plates
  218. Men-at-Arms 218, mars 1990 - Ancient Chinese Armies 1500–200 BC, par CJ Peers (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Shang Dynasty
    The Western Chou
    The Eastern Chou
    The 4th and 3rd Centuries
    The Ch'in Empire
    Tactical & Strategic Doctrine
    Ten Decisive Battles
    The Plates
  219. Men-at-Arms 219, mars 1990 - Queen Victoria's Enemies (3). India, par Ian Knight (texte) et Richard Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Afghanistan 1839-42
    Sind and Gwalior 1843-45
    The Sikh Wars 1845-49
    The Indian Mutiny 1857-59
    The North-West Frontier 1849-78
    Afghanistan 1878-81
    The North-West Frontier 1878-1900
    The Plates
  220. Men-at-Arms 220, mars 1990 - The SA 1921–45: Hitler's Stormtroopers, par David Littlejohn (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    History of the Sturmabteilung Organisation
    Evolution of SA Uniform
    Special SA Formations
    Other Specialist Sections
    'Police' and Para-Military SA Formations
    The Plates
  221. Men-at-Arms 221, mars 1990 - Central American Wars 1959–89, par Carlos Caballero Jurado (texte) et Simon McCouaig (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    El Salvador
    Costa Rica
    Dominican Republic
    The Plates
  222. Men-at-Arms 222, juillet 1990 - The Age of Tamerlane, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Lame Conqueror
    Timur's World
    Timur's Army
    Strategy, Tactics and Siege Warfare
    The Later Timurids
    Foes of the Timurids
    Arms and Armour
    The Plates
  223. Men-at-Arms 223, juillet 1990 - Austrian Specialist Troops of the Napoleonic Wars, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Artillery
    The Engineer Services
    Medical Services
    General Staff
    The Plates
  224. Men-at-Arms 224, juillet 1990 - Queen Victoria's Enemies (4). Asia, Australasia and the Americas, par Ian Knight (texte) et Richard Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Bhutan and Tibet
    The East Indies
    New Zealand
    The Americas
  225. Men-at-Arms 225, juillet 1990 - The Royal Air Force 1939–45, par Andrew Cormack (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniforms of the Royal Air Force
    The Women's Auxiliary Air Force
    Princess Mary's Royal Air Force Nursing Service
    The Allies
    Flying Clothing
    The Plates
  226. Men-at-Arms 226, novembre 1990 - The American War 1812–14, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The War
    The British Army
    The American Army
    The Militia
    The Plates
  227. Men-at-Arms 227, novembre 1990 - Napoleon's Sea Soldiers, par René Chartrand (texte) et Francis Back (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The French Navy in 1789
    Reforms in the Navy
    After Trafalgar
    The Plates
  228. Men-at-Arms 228, marts 1990 - American Woodland Indians, par Michael G Johnson (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Woodland Tribes
    Wars of the Eastern Tribes
    Warriors and Warfare
    Woodland Indian Life and Culture
    Technology, Dress and Art
    The Plates
  229. Men-at-Arms 229, novembre 1990 - Luftwaffe Field Divisions 1941–45, par Kevin Conley Ruffner (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Luftwaffe Ground Service in Russia, 1941-1942
    The Luftwaffe Field Regiments
    The Luftwaffe Field Divisions
    The Eastern Front 1942-1943
    The Army Takes Over
    War in the West
    The Mediterranean Theatre
    The End in the East
    The Plates
  230. Men-at-Arms 230, novembre 1990 - The US Army 1890–1920, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Jeffrey Burn (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Spanish-American War
    China and Mexico
    World War 1
    The Plates
  231. Men-at-Arms 231, avril 1991 - French Medieval Armies 1000–1300, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Armies of Northern France
    The Armies of Southern France
    Strategy and Tactics
    The Plates
  232. Men-at-Arms 232, avril 1991 - The Armies of Bolivar and San Martin, par Terry Hooker (texte) et Ron Poulter (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Bolivar's First Campaigns
    The British Legion
    Bolivar's Campaigns 1817-21
    Alto Peru and Northern Argentina, 1810-21
    The Army of the Andes
    The Peruvian Campaign, 1820-22
    Bolivar's Western Campaigns, 1821-24
    Units and Uniforms
    Orders of Battle
    The Plates
  233. Men-at-Arms 233, avril 1991 - French Army 1870–71 Franco-Prussian War (1). Imperial Troops, par Stephen Shann, Louis Delperier (texte) et Jeffrey Burn (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Imperial Guard
    L'Armée d'Afrique
    Troops of the Line
    Command, Staff and Logistics
    Orders of Battle
    The Plates
  234. Men-at-Arms 234, avril 1991 - German Combat Equipments 1939–45, par Gordon L Rottman (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Basic Equipment
    Weapons-Related Equipment
    Specialist Equipment
    The Plates
  235. Men-at-Arms 235, juillet 1991 - The Army of Gustavus Adolphus (1). Infantry, par Richard Brzezinski (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Military Background
    The Conscript Army
    Infantry Arms and Armour
    Infantry Uniforms and Clothing
    The Plates
  236. Men-at-Arms 236, juillet 1991 - Frederick the Great's Army (1). Cavalry, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Heavy Cavalry
    The Plates
  237. Men-at-Arms 237, juillet 1991 - French Army 1870–71 Franco-Prussian War (2). Republican Troops, par Stephen Shann, Louis Delperier (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Regular Army
    L'Armée d'Afrique
    La Garde Nationale Mobile
    La Garde Nationale
    Naval Forces
    The Francs-Tireurs
    The High Command
    The Plates
  238. Men-at-Arms 238, juillet 1991 - Foreign Volunteers of the Allied Forces 1939–45, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Simon McCouaig (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Netherlands
    The Plates
  239. Men-at-Arms 239, novembre 1991 - Aztec, Mixtec and Zapotec Armies, par John Pohl (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Aztecs of the Triple Alliance
    The Aztec-Chichimec Alliance
    Wars Between the Alliances
    The Mixtec and Zapotec
    Mixtec War and Politics
    The Plates
  240. Men-at-Arms 240, novembre 1991 - Frederick the Great's Army (2). Infantry, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Plates
  241. Men-at-Arms 241, novembre 1991 - The Russian Army of the Crimean War 1854–56, par Robert Thomas (texte) et Richard Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Army Organisation
    The Army of the Caucasus
    The Imperial Navy
    Army Life
    Russian Heroes
    The Plates
  242. Men-at-Arms 242, novembre 1991 - Modern African Wars (3). South-West Africa, par Helmoed-Romer Heitman (texte) et Paul Hannon (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Region in the 1960s-80s
    The Security Forces
    Angolan Forces
    External Operations
    Support for UNITA
    The Plates
  243. Men-at-Arms 243, mars 1991 - Rome's Enemies (5). The Desert Frontier, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Desert Frontier
    North Africa
    Southern Arabia
    Central Arabia
    The Plates
  244. Men-at-Arms 244, mars 1991 - The French Army in the American War of Independence, par René Chartrand (texte) et Francis Back (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Legacy of the Seven Years' War
    War with Britain
    The Plates
  245. Men-at-Arms 245, mars 1991 - British Territorial Units 1914–18, par Ray Westlake (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Birth of the Territorials
    Organisation in 1914
    Badges and Uniform
    Organisation 1914-1918
    War Service
    The Plates
  246. Men-at-Arms 246, mars 1992 - The Romanian Army of World War II, par Mark Axworthy (texte) et Horia Serbanescu (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Army and the State
    Unit Organisation
    Campaigns, 1941-1945
    The Plates
  247. Men-at-Arms 247, septembre 1992 - Romano-Byzantine Armies 4th–9th Centuries, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Collapse and Survivial
    Justinian and his Successors
    Triumph and Disaster
    Revival and Counterattack
    Allies and Neighbours
    The Plates
  248. Men-at-Arms 248, juillet 1992 - Frederick the Great's Army (3). Specialist Troops, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Light Troops
    Transport and Commissariat
    Medical Services
    The Plates
  249. Men-at-Arms 249, juillet 1992 - Canadian Campaigns 1860–70, par David Ross, Grant Tyler (texte) et Richard Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Canadian Militia 1840-1860
    The American Civil War
    The Fenian Raids, 1866 & 1870
    The Red River Expedition 1870
    The Plates
  250. Men-at-Arms 250, juillet 1992 - Argentine Forces in the Falklands, par Nick van der Bijl (texte) et Paul Hannon (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Ground War
    Naval & Marine Units
    Army Units
    Combat Support
    Logistic Support
    Air Force
    The Plates
  251. Men-at-Arms 251, novembre 1992 - Medieval Chinese Armies 1260–1520, par CJ Peers (texte) et David Sque (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Yüan Dynasty
    The Yüan Army
    The Civil Wars, 1351-1368
    The Ming Dynasty
    The Ming Army
    Military Technology
    Strategy and Tactics
    Six Significant Battles
    The Plates
  252. Men-at-Arms 252, novembre 1992 - Flags of the American Civil War (1). Confederate, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Rick Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The First National Flag
    The Second National Flag
    The Third National Flag
    Battle Flags
    Battle Honours
    Other Commands
    Other Flags
    The Plates
  253. Men-at-Arms 253, novembre 1992 - Wellington's Highlanders, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Bryan Fosten (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Raising a Regiment
    Highland Uniform
    Regular Regiments
    The Plates
  254. Men-at-Arms 254, novembre 1992 - Wehrmacht Auxiliary Forces, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Simon McCouaig (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The NSKK
    Transportkorps Speer
    Organisation TODT
    Deutscher Volkssturm
    The Plates
  255. Men-at-Arms 255, mars 1993 - Armies of the Muslim Conquest, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Prophet's First Warriors
    The Age of Expansion
    The Umayyad Caliphate
    The Abbasid Revolution
    The Plates
  256. Men-at-Arms 256, mars 1993 - The Irish Wars 1485–1603, par Ian Heath (texte) et David Sque (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Irish
    Anglo-Irish Armies
    The Cavalry
    Pacata Hibernia
    The Plates
  257. Men-at-Arms 257, mars 1993 - Napoleon's Campaigns in Italy, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Early Wars
    The War of the Second Coalition
    The First Consul
    The Plates
  258. Men-at-Arms 258, mars 1993 - Flags of the American Civil War (2). Union, par Philip Katcher (texte) et Rick Scollins (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Regulation Flags
    Army Headquarters Flags
    The Army of the Potomac
    Cavalry Flags
    Naval Flags
    The Plates
  259. Men-at-Arms 259, juillet 1993 - The Mamluks 1250–1517, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Mamluk Army
    Clothing and Insignia
    Army Organisation
    Siege Warfare
    The Plates
  260. Men-at-Arms 260, juillet 1993 - Peter the Great's Army (1). Infantry, par Angus Konstam (texte) et David Rickman (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Russian Army in the 1690s
    The New Model Army of 1700
    Recruitment & Manpower
    Uniforms & Equipment
    Garrison & Militia Regiments
    Infantry Standards
    The Plates
  261. Men-at-Arms 261, juillet 1993 - 18th-Century Highlanders, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The First Highland Regiments
    Expansion, 1757-87
    Clothing and Equipment
    Highland Regiments
    The Plates
  262. Men-at-Arms 262, juillet 1993 - The Army of Gustavus Adolphus (2). Cavalry, par Richard Brzezinski (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Native Cavalry
    German Cavalry
    Cavalry Armour & Equipment
    Buffcoats and Uniforms
    Identification Signs
    The Plates
  263. Men-at-Arms 263, novembre 1993 - Mughul India 1504–1761, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The First Mughuls
    Akbar's Reforms
    The Later Mughuls
    The Successor States
    Mughul Warfare
    Siege Warfare
    The Plates
    Further Reading
  264. Men-at-Arms 264, novembre 1993 - Peter the Great's Army (2). Cavalry, par Angus Konstam (texte) et David Rickman (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Cavalry before Peter
    Cavalry Standards
    Guard Cavalry
    Light Cavalry
    Military Administration
    The Plates
  265. Men-at-Arms 265, novembre 1993 - Flags of the American Civil War (3). State & Volunteer, par Philip Katcher (texte), Rick Scollins et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    US Army Brigade Flags
    US Artillery Battery Flags
    Flags of the US Colored Troops
    The Plates
  266. Men-at-Arms 266, novembre 1993 - The Allgemeine-SS, par Robin Lumsden (texte) et Paul Hannon (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Early History
    Role of the SS
    SS Symbolism
    Uniforms and Insignia
    The Germanic-SS
    The Plates
  267. Men-at-Arms 267, mars 1994 - The British Army 1660–1704, par John Tincey (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Army of Charles II
    The Army of James II
    The Army of William III
    Uniforms & Weapons of the Horse
    Infantry Uniforms
    Infantry Weapons & Equipment
    The Plates
  268. Men-at-Arms 268, mars 1994 - The British Troops in the Indian Mutiny 1857–59, par Michael Barthorp (texte) et Douglas Anderson (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Outline of Operations
    The Opposing Armies
    Dress, Equipment and Weapons
    Dress on Service
    The Plates
  269. Men-at-Arms 269, mars 1994 - The Ottoman Army 1914–18, par David Nicolle (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Prelude to the Great War
    The Army
    Uniforms and Equipment
    German Influence
    The Navy
    The Air Forces
    Auxiliaries and Allies
    The Plates
  270. Men-at-Arms 270, mars 1994 - Flags of the Third Reich (1). Wehrmacht, par Brian L Davis (texte) et Malcolm McGregor (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Flag Terminology
    The National War Flag
    Army Flags
    Army Standards
    Kriegsmarine Flags
    Luftwaffe Flags
    The Legion Condor
    The Plates
  271. Men-at-Arms 271, juillet 1994 - The Austrian Army 1740–80 (1). Cavalry, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Empire and Army
    Army Organisation
    The Cavalry
    Uniform and Equipment
    Regimental Details
    The Plates
  272. Men-at-Arms 272, juillet 1994 - The Mexican Adventure 1861–67, par René Chartrand (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The French Intervention
    The Republican Army
    The French Army
    The Imperial Mexican Army
    Foreign Contingents
    The Plates
  273. Men-at-Arms 273, juillet 1994 - General Washington's Army (1). 1775–78, par Marko Zlatich (texte) et Peter Copeland (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Colonial Uniforms
    Continental Uniforms
    State Uniforms 1777-78
    The Plates
  274. Men-at-Arms 274, juillet 1994 - Flags of the Third Reich (2). Waffen-SS, par Brian L Davis (texte) et Malcolm McGregor (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Foreign Volunteer Legions
    Walloon Volunteers
    The Flemish Legion
    Norwegian Volunteers
    Finnish Volunteers
    Danzig Volunteers
    Danish Volunteers
    Estonian Volunteers
    Latvian Volunteers
    Croat Volunteers
    French Volunteers
    Spanish Volunteers
    Indian Volunteers
    The Plates
  275. Men-at-Arms 275, novembre 1994 - The Taiping Rebellion 1851–66, par Ian Heath (texte) et Michael Perry (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Taiping Rebellion 1851-66
    Military Organisation
    The Imperialists
    Dress and Weapons
    The Ever-Victorious Army
    Other 'Disciplined Chinese' Units
    Anglo-French Involvement
    Chinese Tactics
    The Plates
  276. Men-at-Arms 276, novembre 1994 - The Austrian Army 1740–80 (2). Infantry, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Empire and its Infantry
    Regimental Organization
    Uniform and Equipment
    Infantry Regiments
    The Plates
  277. Men-at-Arms 277, novembre 1994 - The Russo-Turkish War 1877, par Ian Drury (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Seeds of War
    The Campaigns
    The Russian Army
    The Turkish Army
    The Plates
  278. Men-at-Arms 278, novembre 1994 - Flags of the Third Reich (3). Party & Police Units, par Brian L Davis (texte) et Malcolm McGregor (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Origins of the Swastika Flag
    NSDAP Kreis & Ortsgruppen
    The Sturm-Abteilungen
    The NSKK
    The Hitlerjugend
    The Reichsarbeitsdienst
    The Plates
  279. Men-at-Arms 279, mars 1995 - The Border Reivers, par Keith Durham (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction: The Border
    'Arrayed in a Most Warlike manner'
    'Strenghes' and 'Bastells'
    'Spears, Northern on Horseback'
    'To Chastise Those Borders': 1603
    The End of the Reiver
    The Plates
  280. Men-at-Arms 280, mars 1995 - The Austrian Army 1740–80 (3). Specialist Troops, par Philip Haythornthwaite (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Artillery
    The Grenz Corps
    General Staff
    Medical Services
    The Plates
  281. Men-at-Arms 281, mars 1995 - US Dragoons 1833–55, par John Langellier (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The West Beckons
    The Campaigns 1833-40
    The Campaigns 1841-55
    After the Mexican War
    The Plates
  282. Men-at-Arms 282, mars 1995 - Axis Forces in Yugoslavia 1941–45, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Bulgaria and Macedonia
    The Plates
  283. Men-at-Arms 283, juillet 1995 - Early Roman Armies, par Simon Northwood, Nicholas Sekunda (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Rome's Early History
    The Pre-Hoplite Army
    The Hoplite Army
    Early Cavalry
    The Expansion of Roman Military Strength
    Manipular Warfare
    The Plates
  284. Men-at-Arms 284, juillet 1995 - Imperial Chinese Armies (1). 200 BC–AD 589, par CJ Peers (texte) et Michael Perry (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Western Han 202 BC-AD 25
    The Eastern Han AD 25-189
    Garrison Life
    The Three Kingdoms and the Ts'in AD 189-316
    The Barbarian Invasions AD 316-589
    Armies of the Invasion Period
    The Art of War in the Early Imperial Age
    10 Significant Battles
    The Plates
  285. Men-at-Arms 285, juillet 1995 - King George's Army 1740–93 (1). Infantry, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Paul Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Officers
    The Soldiers
    Weapons and Tactics
    The Plates
  286. Men-at-Arms 286, juillet 1995 - The French Army 1914–18, par Ian Sumner (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Organisation of the Army
    Uniforms and Equipment
    Tactics and Trenches
    The Plates
  287. Men-at-Arms 287, novembre 1995 - Byzantine Armies AD 1118–1461 AD, par Ian Heath (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Military Chronology
    The Byzantine Armed Forces 1118-1453
    'Soldiers Hired amongst all Nations'
    The End of the Empire
    The Empire of Trebizond
    The Plates
  288. Men-at-Arms 288, novembre 1995 - American Indians of the Southeast, par Michael G Johnson (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Plates
  289. Men-at-Arms 289, novembre 1995 - King George's Army 1740–93 (2), par Stuart Reid (texte) et Paul Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Personal Equipment
    The Plates
  290. Men-at-Arms 290, novembre 1995 - General Washington's Army (2). 1779–83, par Marko Zlatich (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Continental Uniforms 1779-1782
    State Uniforms
    The Plates
  291. Men-at-Arms 291, avril 1996 - Republican Roman Army 200–104 BC, par Nicholas Sekunda (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Infantry Equipment
    Organization of the Legions
    Other Arms
    The Roman Legion in Battle
    The Plates
  292. Men-at-Arms 292, mai 1996 - King George's Army 1740–93 (3), par Stuart Reid (texte) et Paul Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniforms and Equipment
    Regimental Distinctions
    The Board of Ordnance
    The Plates
  293. Men-at-Arms 293, mai 1996 - The Russian Civil War (1). The Red Army, par Mikhail Khvostov (texte) et Andrei Karachtchouk (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Red Guards
    The Red Army
    Red Army Organisation
    Uniforms and Insignia
    The Plates
    Further Reading
  294. Men-at-Arms 294, mai 1996 - British Forces in the West Indies 1793–1815, par René Chartrand (texte) et Paul Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    British Army West Indian Dress
    Saint-Domingue (Haiti)
    Black Chasseurs
    Black Regular Troops
    Uniforms of the West India Regiments
    European Colonial Troops
    The Plates
    Select Bibliography
  295. Men-at-Arms 295, juillet 1996 - Imperial Chinese Armies (2). 590–1260 AD, par CJ Peers (texte) et Michael Perry (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Sui Dynasty, AD 589-618
    The T'ang, 618-907
    Sui and T'ang Armies
    The Five Dynasties and Ten Kingdoms, 907-959
    The Sung Dynasty, 960-1279
    Sung Armies
    The Liao, 907-1125
    The Hsi Hsia, 1038-1227
    The Kin Dynasty, 1125-1235
    Military Science and Technology
    Nine Important Battles
    The Plates
    Further Reading
  296. Men-at-Arms 296, juillet 1996 - Louis XV's Army (1). Cavalry & Dragoons, par René Chartrand (texte) et Eugene Leliepvre (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Royal Guard Cavalry
    Heavy Cavalry
    Standards and Guidons
    The Plates
  297. Men-at-Arms 297, juillet 1996 - Russian Army of the Seven Years War (1), par Angus Konstam (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Russian Army 1725-1740
    The Seven Years War
    Infantry Organisation
    Infantry Tactics
    Infantry Colours
    The Plates
  298. Men-at-Arms 298, octobre 1996 - Russian Army of the Seven Years War (2), par Angus Konstam (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Russian Cavalry, 1725-1740
    The Empress Elizabeth's Cavalry
    Cavalry Organisation and Tactics
    Cavalry Uniforms and Equipment
    Cavalry Standards
    The Plates
  299. Men-at-Arms 299, octobre 1996 - Austrian Auxiliary Troops 1792–1816, par David Hollins (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Grenzers
    The Freikorps
    The Landwehr
    The Insurrections
    The Plates
  300. Men-at-Arms 300, novembre 1996 - French Foreign Legion. Infantry and Cavalry since 1945, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Legion in 1945
    Indochina 1946-54
    Morocco 1945-57
    Algeria 1954-62
    The Diaspora
    The Plates
    Select Bibliography
  301. Men-at-Arms 301, novembre 1996 - The Boer Wars (1). 1836–1898, par Ian Knight (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Trekker-Ndebele War, 1836
    The Natal Adventure 1837-42
    The British Reaction
    The Boer-BaSotho Wars
    The Conquest of the Transvaal
    The 1881 Transvaal War
    The Final Subjugation of the Transvaal
    The Plates
  302. Men-at-Arms 302, novembre 1997 - Louis XV's Army (2). French Infantry, par René Chartrand (texte) et Eugene Leliepvre (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Royal Guard Infantry
    Infantry Regiments, 1720-1763
    Metropolitan Units Sent Overseas
    Post-1762 Reforms
    Liveries for Musicians
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  303. Men-at-Arms 303, mars 1996 - The Boer Wars (2). 1898–1902, par Ian Knight (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Boer Forces, 1899
    The British Army in 1899
    Tactical Differences
    The Conventional War
    The British Army, 1900-1901
    Boer Forces, 1900-1902
    The Myth of the 'White Man's War'
    The Bitter End
    The Plates
  304. Men-at-Arms 304, juillet 1997 - Louis XV's Army (3). Foreign Infantry, par René Chartrand (texte) et Eugene Leliepvre (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Swiss Troops of the Royal Guard
    Foreign Line Infantry Organisation
    Other 'Foreign' Units
    Milice Garde-Côte
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  305. Men-at-Arms 305, juillet 1997 - The Russian Civil War (2). White Armies, par Mikhail Khvostov (texte) et Andrei Karachtchouk (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The White Cause
    Uniforms and Equipment
    The White Armies
    North Russia
    North-West Russia
    South Russia
    East Russia
    The Russian Far East
    Nationalist Forces
    Peasant Risings
    Military Decorations
    The Plates
  306. Men-at-Arms 306, juillet 1997 - Chinese Civil War Armies 1911–49, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Imperial Army
    The Republican Army
    The Warlords
    The Nationalist Army
    The Communist Army
    Puppet Armies
    The Civil War, 1945-49
    Further Reading
    The Plates
  307. Men-at-Arms 307, octobre 1997 - Late Imperial Chinese Armies 1520–1840, par CJ Peers (texte) et Christa Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Late Ming, 1517-1598
    The Great Wall
    The European Impact
    The Fall of the Ming
    The Shun Army
    The Ch'ing Dynasty, 1644-1842
    The Plates
  308. Men-at-Arms 308, octobre 1997 - Louis XV's Army (4). Light Troops and Specialists, par René Chartrand (texte) et Eugene Leliepvre (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Hussar Regiments
    Light Troops
    Generals, Staff and Specialist Officers
    Constabulary Corps
    Bourgeois Militia
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  309. Men-at-Arms 309, octobre 1997 - The Italian Invasion of Abyssinia 1935–36, par David Nicolle (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Ethiopian Army
    The Italian Army
    Further Reading
    The Plates
  310. Men-at-Arms 310, novembre 1997 - German Medieval Armies 1000–1300, par Christopher Gravett (texte) et Graham Turner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Chronological Table
    The Ministeriales
    The Teutonic Knights
    Further Reading
    The Plates
  311. Men-at-Arms 311, novembre 1997 - The German Army 1939–45 (1). Blitzkrieg, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Record of the Wehrmacht
    The High Command of the Army and the Wehrmacht
    The Strategy
    The Uniform of the German Army
    Ranks and Responsibilities
    The Plates
  312. Men-at-Arms 312, novembre 1997 - The Algerian War 1954–62, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Background
    Summary of Main Events
    The Army of National Liberation
    The French Army in Algeria
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  313. Men-at-Arms 313, mars 1998 - Louis XV's Army (5). Colonial and Naval Troops, par René Chartrand (texte) et Eugene Leliepvre (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Colonial Regular Troops
    Uniforms, Arms and Accoutrements
    Colonial Artillery Corps
    Auxiliary Colonial Troops
    Colonial Troops 1763-1772
    Colonial Militias
    Naval Troops
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  314. Men-at-Arms 314, mars 1998 - Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1775–1820, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The People of the Ottoman Empire
    Recruitment and Ranking
    Traditional Forces
    The New Armies
    The Navy
    Further Reading
    The Plates
  315. Men-at-Arms 315, avril 1998 - The French Army 1939–45 (1), par Ian Sumner, François Vauvillier (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Organisation of the Army in 1939-40
    Uniforms and Equipment 1939-40
    The Army of the Armistice 1940-42
    The Plates
  316. Men-at-Arms 316, avril 1998 - The German Army 1939–45 (2). North Africa & Balkans, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Context of the North African and Balkan Campaigns
    Foreign Volunteers
    The Strategy in North Africa
    Army Uniform in North Africa
    Orders of Dress
    Uniforms and Insignia of Foreign Volunteers
    The Strategy in the Balkans
    Army Uniform in the Balkans
    Other Insignia
    The Plates
  317. Men-at-Arms 317, juin 1998 - Henry V and the Conquest of France 1416–53, par Paul Knight (texte) et Graham Turner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Henry V's Army
    Arms and Armour
    The Campaigns
    Campaign Life
    Garrison Life
    In Battle
    The Navy
    The Plates
    Select Bibliography
  318. Men-at-Arms 318, juin 1998 - The French Army 1939–45 (2), par Ian Sumner, François Vauvillier (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    De Gaulle and the Free French 1940-43
    Free French Ground Forces Uniforms and Insignia
    Secret Resistance Within the Vichy Army
    A Rematch for the Army of Africa
    Rearming the French
    Uniforms and Insignia 1943-44
    The Revival of an Army
    The Plates
  319. Men-at-Arms 319, septembre 1998 - British Forces in North America 1793–1815, par René Chartrand (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Chronological Table
    The British Regular Army
    British Army Dress
    Winter Dress in Canada
    Colonial Regular Units
    Lower Canada
    Lower Canada Sedentary Militia
    Upper Canada Militia
    The Indian Country
    Militias of the Atlantic Colonies
    Select Bibliography
    Books and Articles
    The Plates
  320. Men-at-Arms 320, novembre 1998 - Armies of the Caliphates 862–1098, par David Nicolle (texte) et Graham Turner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Heartlands and Frontiers
    Costume and Uniforms
    Naval Warfare
    Further Reading
    The Plates
  321. Men-at-Arms 321, novembre 1998 - Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1). 1793–1808, par René Chartrand (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Organisation and Uniforms
    The Royal Guard
    Line Infantry
    Light Infantry
    Specialists and Auxiliary Forces
    The Navy
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  322. Men-at-Arms 322, novembre 1998 - The French Indochina War 1946–54, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    French Indochina in 1946-54
    The Battlefield
    The Strategic Balance
    French Union Forces
    Main French Combat Units
    The Viet Minh
    Tactical Effectiveness
    Chronology of Major Operations
    The Plates
    Select Bibliography
    Abbreviations used in this text
  323. Men-at-Arms 323, mars 1999 - The Austrian Army 1836–66 (1). Infantry, par Darko Pavlovic (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Empire and Its Army
    Line Infantry
    Grenz Infantry
    The Plates
  324. Men-at-Arms 324, mars 1999 - The North-East Frontier 1837–1901, par Ian Heath (texte) et Michael Perry (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    British Forces on the North-East Frontier
    Warfare on the North-East Frontier
    Further Reading
    The Plates
  325. Men-at-Arms 325, mars 1999 - French Foreign Legion 1914–45, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Legion in 1914
    The Western Front 1914-18
    Colonial Campaigns 1914-1939
    Campaigns 1940-42
    Campaigns 1943-45
    The Plates
  326. Men-at-Arms 326, mars 1999 - The German Army 1939–45 (3). Eastern Front 1941–43, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Context of the Eastern Front
    The Eastern Front 1941-3
    Army Uniform
    The Plates
  327. Men-at-Arms 327, mai 1999 - US Marine Corps in World War I 1917–18, par Mark Henry (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Insignia and Decorations
    Weapons and Equipment
    Web Gear and Equipment
    Further Reading
    The Plates
  328. Men-at-Arms 328, mai 1999 - Émigré and Foreign Troops in British Service (1). 1793–1802, par René Chartrand (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Britain's Foreign Army
    Regiments and Corps 1793-1802
    Line Infantry
    Light Infantry
    Specialists and Auxiliary Forces
    Select Bibliography
  329. Men-at-Arms 329, juillet 1999 - The Austrian Army 1836–66 (2). Cavalry, par Darko Pavlovic (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniform and Equipment: German Cavalry
    Uniforms and Equipment: Hussars
    Uniforms and Equipment: Uhlans
    The Plates
  330. Men-at-Arms 330, juillet 1999 - The German Army 1939–45 (4). Eastern Front 1943–45, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Context of the Eastern Front 1943-45
    Campaign Summary 1943-45
    Army Uniform
    The Plates
  331. Men-at-Arms 331, septembre 1999 - Scots Armies of the English Civil Wars, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Graham Turner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Clothing and Equipment
    Paying for the Army
    Flags and Standards
    The Army at Dunbar
    The Plates
  332. Men-at-Arms 332, septembre 1999 - Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2). 1808–1812, par René Chartrand (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Resistance and British Aid
    Uniforms and Equipment
    Regional Volunteers and Armed Peasantry
    The Navy
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  333. Men-at-Arms 333, novembre 1999 - Armies of Medieval Russia 750–1250, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Russia Before the Rus'
    Pagan Rus'
    The Golden Age of Kiev
    The Armies of Kievan Rus'
    Costume, Arms & Armour
    Warfare in a Broad Arena
    Further Reading
    The Plates
  334. Men-at-Arms 334, novembre 1999 - Spanish Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3). 1812–1815, par René Chartrand (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The State of the Spanish Armies
    Uniforms and Equipment
    Specialist Troops
    Guerrillas and Militias
    The Army of King Joseph-Napoleon
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  335. Men-at-Arms 335, janvier 2000 - Émigré and Foreign Troops in British Service (2). 1803–15, par René Chartrand (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Brtain's Foreign Army
    Regiments and Corps 1803-1815
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  336. Men-at-Arms 336, janvier 2000 - The German Army 1939–45 (5). Western Front 1943–45, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Context of the Western Front 1943-1945
    The Development of Army Units
    Campaign Summary 1943-45
    Army Uniform
    The Plates
  337. Men-at-Arms 337, février 2000 - French Armies of the Hundred Years War, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Background & Overview
    Naval aspects
    Further Reading
    Eight full colour plates
  338. Men-at-Arms 338, février 2000 - The King's German Legion (1). 1803–12, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Light Infantry Brigade
    The Line Infantry Brigades
    The Cavalry Brigade
    Artillery and Engineers
    8 full colour plates
  339. Men-at-Arms 339, avril 2000 - The King's German Legion (2). 1812–16, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Light Infantry Brigade
    The Line Infantry Brigades
    The Cavalry Brigade
    Artillery and Engineers
    Colour Artwork
  340. Men-at-Arms 340, avril 2000 - The Italian Army 1940–45 (1). Europe 1940–43, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Albanian adventure
    French farce
    Greece and Yugoslavia
    The Partisan war
    the war in Russia
    Invasion and revolution
    The Plates
  341. Men-at-Arms 341, juillet 2000 - British Air Forces 1914–18 (1), par Andrew Cormack (texte) et Peter Cormack (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Formation and pre-war years
    The RFC and RNAS
    Women Auxiliaries
    The Western Front
    Mediterranean and Middle East
    Birth of the RAF
    The Plates
  342. Men-at-Arms 342, juillet 2000 - The US Army in World War II (1). The Pacific, par Mark Henry (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Divisional organisation: CBI, Central and South-West Pacific
    Summer Dress uniform, USA
    Tropical combat uniforms
    Camouflage uniforms
    Tropical equipment
    The Plates
  343. Men-at-Arms 343, septembre 2000 - The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (1), par René Chartrand (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Portuguese Army before1807
    Invasion, Occupation & Revolt 1807–08
    The Rebirth of the Army
    Chronology of Operations
    Uniforms & Equipment
    The Line Infantry
    The Plates
  344. Men-at-Arms 344, septembre 2000 - Tribes of the Sioux Nation, par Michael G Johnson (texte) et Jonathan Smith (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Sioux Tribal Structure
    The Rise of the Teton-Sioux
    From Laramie to Laramie
    The Santee-Sioux Uprising of 1862-63
    The Final Conflict 1870 to 1890
    Teton Social Organisation
    Sioux Beliefs
    Material Culture and Dress
    Ceremonial Society Men's Attire
    Sioux Ceremonial Shirts and Leggings
    Western Sioux Women's Dress
    Warbonnets - Origin and Use
    The Aftermath 1890-1990
    Sioux Leaders
  345. Men-at-Arms 345, septembre 2000 - The United States Army 1812–15, par James Kochan (texte) et David Rickman (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Background to the American War
    Regular units of the Unites States Army
  346. Men-at-Arms 346, novembre 2000 - The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (2), par René Chartrand (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Legion of Light Troops
    Loyal Lusitanian Legion
    The Cazadores
    Royal Volunteers of the Prince
    The Cavalry
    Specialists: Engineers, Arsenal, Artificers, Telegraph Corps, Military Academies, Guides, Garrison Staff; Police, Castle & Body Guards; Veterans
    Civil Departments: Treasury, Commissariat & Medical
    Colours & Standards
    Legion Portugaise in French Service
    Commentary on the colour artwork
  347. Men-at-Arms 347, novembre 2000 - The US Army in World War II (2). The Mediterranean, par Mark Henry (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Divisional organisation - mountain & airborne divisions, Ranger battalions
    Uniforms - M1943, mountain, airborne; coats & boots; WAC; General officers; NCO insignia; decorations
    Military police
    1st Special Service Force
    Black troops
    Heavy weapons
    Soft-skin' vehicles
    Divisional battle honours
  348. Men-at-Arms 348, janvier 2001 - The Moors. The Islamic West 7th–15th Centuries AD, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Arab Conquest
    The Armies of European Islam
    Umayyad navies in the Mediterranean and Atlantic
    The Reconquista Begins
    The Almoravids
    Berber armies and the saving of Andalusia
    The Moorish Collapse
    Granada: The Last Bastion
  349. Men-at-Arms 349, janvier 2001 - The Italian Army 1940–45 (2). Africa 1940–43, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Italian Army in Africa, 1940
    The MVSN
    Colonial troops
    Campaigns - East Africa 1940-41; Libya 1940-42; Tunisia 1942-43.
    Uniforms, Insignia, Personal Equipment
    Commentary on the Colour Artwork
  350. Men-at-Arms 350, mars 2001 - The US Army in World War II (3). Northwest Europe, par Mark Henry (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Divisional organisation - armoured divisions, corps units
    Uniforms - dress browns, ETO jacket; combat woollens; tankers' items; combat vests; headgear; branch colours; shoulder patches
    Artillery & tank destroyer equipment & tactics
    Recoilless rifles, anti-tank guns
    Tanks & tank destroyers
    Divisional battle honours
    Commentary on the colour artwork
  351. Men-at-Arms 351, mars 2001 - British Air Forces 1914–18 (2), par Andrew Cormack (texte) et Peter Cormack (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The RAF 1918-1920
    The Women's Royal Air Force
    Flying Clothing & Equipment 1912-1920
    Commentary on colour artwork
  352. Men-at-Arms 352, mai 2001 - The United States Army 1783–1811, par James Kochan (texte) et David Rickman (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniforms: The Frontier Constabulary Force, 1784-91
    The Legion of the United States, 1792-96
    The Quasi-War Period, 1797-1800
    Jefferson's Republican Army, 1801-08
    The Army of the Eve of War, 1809-11
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  353. Men-at-Arms 353, mai 2001 - The Italian Army 1940–45 (3). Italy 1943–45, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Italian Army and the 1943 Armistice
    Regular Army of the Italian Socialist Republic
    Black Brigades
    Autonomous units
    Italian Co-Belligerent Forces
    Commentary on colour artwork
  354. Men-at-Arms 354, mai 2001 - The British Army 1939–45 (1). North-West Europe, par Martin Brayley (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The British Army between the Wars
    New weapons, new uniforms and equipment: the 1937 reforms
    Mobilisation & the Phoney War
    Organisation of formations and units
    Norway and France 1940
    Development of uniforms 1940-44
    Special-to-role uniforms - airborne, armoured troops, etc.
    The Second Front - development of uniforms 1944-45
  355. Men-at-Arms 355, juillet 2001 - Wellington's Belgian Allies 1815, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Low Countries in 1813-14
    Austria and the Légion Belge - organisation, service, uniforms
    The Dutch-Belgian Army, 1814 - organisation, uniforms
    The Dutch-Belgian Army, 1815 - organisation, uniforms
    Belgian units at Quatre Bras and Waterloo - Siborne's slanders & the documentary record
    Commentary on the colour artwork
  356. Men-at-Arms 356, juillet 2001 - Armies in the Balkans 1914–18, par Nigel Thomas, Dusan Babac (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction - the significance of the Balkan front
    The Balkan campaigns - the Austro-Hungarian attack on Serbia; Franco-British landings in Salonika and subsequent operations; Rumanian declaration of war; Allied attack in Macedonia, and advance on Belgrade
    Armies in the Balkans; orders of battle, organisation, deployment - Austro-Hungarian; German; Serbian; Montenegrin & Albanian; British; French; Italian; Russian; Bulgarian; Greek; Rumanian
    The plates - uniforms, insignia & personal equipment
  357. Men-at-Arms 357, septembre 2001 - World War II Allied Women's Services, par Martin Brayley (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    British services - organisation and uniforms of Women's Royal Naval Service, Auxiliary Territorial Service, Women's Auxiliary Air Force
    Commonwealth & Dominion women's services - Canada, Australia, New Zealand, India
    United States services - organisation and uniforms of Women's Army Auxiliary Corps 1941-43, Women's Army Corps 1943-45, Women Appointed for Emergency Service, Marine Corps Women's Reserve, Coast Guard Women's Reserve.
  358. Men-at-Arms 358, septembre 2001 - The Portuguese Army of the Napoleonic Wars (3), par René Chartrand (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Auxiliary Forces: Militia
    Overseas Territories
    Orders and Decorations
    The Plates
  359. Men-at-Arms 359, décembre 2001 - Canadian Forces in World War II, par René Chartrand (texte) et Ronald Volstad (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Canada at War
    The Canadian Army
    Uniforms and Accoutrements
    The Royal Canadian Air Force
    The Royal Canadian Navy
    Canadian Women’s services
    Select Bibliography
    Plate Commentary
  360. Men-at-Arms 360, septembre 2001 - The Thracians 700 BC–AD 46, par Christopher Webber (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical outline - Archaic, Classical, Hellenistic & Roman periods
    The Sources
    Thracian costume
    The Thracian Army
    Thracian mercenary troops
    Troop types
    representative campaigns - Lysimachos in Thrace, 323 BC; Magnesia, 189 BC
  361. Men-at-Arms 361, novembre 2001 - Axis Cavalry in World War II, par Jeffrey T Fowler (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The pre-war German cavalry
    Operations of the 1st Cavalry Division and of mounted reconnaissance units in Poland and France, 1939-40
    Operation Barbarossa - German cavalry in Russia, June-December 1941
    Expanded roles for cavalry from spring 1942 - typical operations: anti-partisan warfare, and reconnaissance
    The Waffen-SS cavalry
    Axis cavalry: Cossacks, Kalmyks, Italian, Rumanian and Hungarian units
    Support services
    Equipment and weapons
  362. Men-at-Arms 362, janvier 2002 - The Japanese Army 1931–45 (1). 1931–42, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    M1930 uniforms
    Invasion of Manchuria 1931
    Invasion of Jehol 1933
    Chinese campaigns 1937-40
    Cold weather clothing
    Uniform modernisation c1937-41
    The Nomanhan campaign 1939
    Development of tropical uniforms
    The 'lightning campaign' in the Pacific and South East Asia, 1941-42
  363. Men-at-Arms 363, janvier 2002 - Germany's Eastern Front Allies (2). Baltic Forces, par Carlos Caballero Jurado, Nigel Thomas (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The historical background
    The Firest Soviet Occupation
    The German Occupation
    The Second Soviet Occupation
    The Plates
  364. Men-at-Arms 364, novembre 2001 - The Russian Army 1914–18, par Nik Cornish (texte) et Andrei Karachtchouk (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction: the Russian Army and society
    The 'Great Programme': military and industrial reforms in 1914
    The strategic situation
    Organisation of the armed forces
    Chronology of campaigns
    Uniforms: Parade & service dress, Guards, line, Cossacks, specialist troops and services
    Non-Russian formations
    Russian elite units
    Colour plates commentary
  365. Men-at-Arms 365, mars 2002 - World War II German Battle Insignia, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Battle shields - Narvik, Krim, Kuban, Cholm, Demjansk, Lappland, Lorient
    Campaign cuff titles - Afrika, Kreta, Kurland, Metz
    Campaign medals - Eastern Front 1941-42, Afrika
    Battle badges - Infantry, Panzer, General, Flak, Anti-Partisan
    Luftwaffe Battle Badges - Ground, Sea, Panzer, Flak
    Close Combat Clasp, Tank Destruction Badge, Sniper Badge
  366. Men-at-Arms 366, avril 2002 - Colonial American Troops 1610–1774 (1), par René Chartrand (texte) et David Rickman (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Royal Troops
    Regular Regiments raised or organized in America
    Colonial Militias Provincial Troops
    Virginia (Militia and Provincials)
    New Netherlands
    New Sweden
  367. Men-at-Arms 367, mai 2002 - Medieval Russian Armies 1250–1500, par Viacheslav Shpakovsky, David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Russia under the Mongols (mid-13 to 14 centuries)
    Mongol influence of later Russian armies
    River warfare
    The Republic of Novgorod (14-15 centuries)
    The Rise of Lithuania (14-15 centuries)
    The Rise of Muscovy (late 14-15 centuries)
    The guns of Muscovy
    Colour plate commentary
  368. Men-at-Arms 368, mai 2002 - The British Army 1939–45 (2). Middle East & Mediterranean, par Martin Brayley (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Organisation of the British Army in Egypt, 1939-40
    Development and reinforcement of 8th Army in North Africa, 1941-42
    1st Army, 1942-43
    Campaign summary
    Pre-war tropical uniforms
    Development, 1940-44
    Insignia practice
    Foreign-made uniforms: Empire, Commonwealth and US
  369. Men-at-Arms 369, mai 2002 - The Japanese Army 1931–45 (2). 1942–45, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniforms of Imperial Army occupation forces in Asia, 1942-45
    Naval Landing Forces
    Air Force Paratroops
    Guadalcanal 1942-43
    The China-Burma-India front 1944
    Pacific island defence forces 1943-45
    Defence forces in the Home Islands 1945
  370. Men-at-Arms 370, juin 2002 - World War II Allied Nursing Services, par Martin Brayley (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Great Britain
    United States of America
    New Zealand
    Soviet Union
    Select Bibliography
    Plates commentaries
  371. Men-at-Arms 371, juillet 2002 - Wellington's Dutch Allies 1815, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The French-occupied Low Countries in 1813-14
    The Dutch national insurrection, 1813
    The liberation of Holland, 1813-14
    The raising of the volunteer corps
    The Dutch-Belgian Army, 1814 organisation, uniforms
    The Dutch-Belgian Army, 1815 organisation and uniforms
    The Dutch units at Quatre Bras and Waterloo
    Siborne's slanders & the documentary record
    Colour plate commentary
  372. Men-at-Arms 372, juillet 2002 - Colonial American Troops 1610–1774 (2), par René Chartrand (texte) et David Rickman (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    New Hampshire
    Rhode Island
    New York
    New Jersey
  373. Men-at-Arms 373, août 2002 - The Sarmatians 600 BC–AD 450, par Richard Brzezinski (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Sarmatian peoples - Sauromatae, Iazyges, Roxolani, Aorsi, Siraces & Alani
    The Sarmatians in Roman service
    Offensive arms - lances, swords, archery gear
    Defensive arms - body armour, helmets, shields, lassoes
    Horses & horse equipment
    Standards - the 'draco'
    Military organisation
    Myth & legend
  374. Men-at-Arms 374, août 2002 - Roman Military Clothing (1). 100 BC–AD 200, par Graham Sumner (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Tunic designs
    Military cloak designs
    Dyes and dyeing
    Catalogue of evidence for colours of tunics and cloaks, AD 1 - 200 (25 items of literary, sculptural, fresco, encaustic, mosaic, papyrus and surviving textile evidence discussed)
    The scarf
    Trousers (bracae), legwear, leg-bindings, socks, waistband
    Military boots
    Miscellaneous items
  375. Men-at-Arms 375, septembre 2002 - The British Army 1939–45 (3). The Far East, par Martin Brayley (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Organisation of the British Army in the Far East, 1941
    Summary of the Malayan and Burmese campaigns, 1942
    Development of British forces in India
    The Chindits
    14th Army in the reconquest of Burma, 1944-45. Pre-war tropical uniforms
    Modification of Khaki Drill, 1942-44
    Jungle Green uniforms
    development of personal equipment
    The Lethbridge mission, and 1944 pattern clothing and web
  376. Men-at-Arms 376, septembre 2002 - Italian Medieval Armies 1000–1300, par David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The 'communal' armies of urban northern Italy - resisting Magyar attack, throwing off German domination, recruiting French mercenaries
    The 'feudal' armies of rural Italy
    Trade and naval domination
    The 'crossbow revolution'
    Italy and the Crusades - the military power of the Papacy
    The Normans in the south - outside influences
    The development of the Italian arms industry
  377. Men-at-Arms 377, novembre 2002 - Luftwaffe Air & Ground Crew 1939–45, par Robert F Stedman (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Rebirth of the air force
    Summary of campaigns
    Uniforms: service & parade dress - insignia of rank, branch, trade - extra clothing & effects - summer & winter working dress - tropical uniforms
    Flying clothing - summer & winter helmets, flight suits, jackets, trousers, boots, gloves
    Flight equipment: parachutes - seat, back & chest types
    Life preservers, kapok & inflatable
    Rafts, flare pistols, dye markers, compasses
  378. Men-at-Arms 378, novembre 2002 - Napoleon's Guards of Honour. 1813–14, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The French cavalry in the aftermath of the Russian campaign
    Decree of 3 April 1813 creating four regiments of Gardes d'Honneur - inducements offered
    Organisation and depots of 1st to 4th Regts
    The officers and troopers - volunteers and 'volunteers' - mutinies and plots
    Campaign history: 1813 - Leipzig - successful charge at Hannau
    Sufferings of Metz and Mainz garrisons. Campaign of France, 1814 - the great charge at Rheims, 13 March
    Uniforms & weapons - officers, troopers & trumpeters.
  379. Men-at-Arms 379, octobre 2002 - Armies in East Africa 1914–18, par Peter Abbott (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Strategic background - colonial east and central Africa in 1914
    Von Lettow-Vorbeck and his aims
    First phase: British repulse at Tanga - German attacks on Uganda, Congo, Rhodesia, Mozambique
    General mobilisation by both sides
    Second phase: co-ordinated Allied offensive of 1916
    Bush fighting - weapons, tactics, logistics
    Final phase: Lettow-Vorbeck's expedition into Mozambique and Rhodesia
    Wartime developments in the armies - the King's African Rifles
    Evaluation of the forces involved
    Uniforms: German, British, Belgian, Portuguese
  380. Men-at-Arms 380, octobre 2002 - German Army Elite Units 1939–45, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Panzerkorps 'Grossdeutschland'
    Panzergrenadier Division 'Feldherrnhalle'
    Infanterie Regiment 'List'
    Panzergrenadier Division 'Brandenburg'
    Kavallerie Regiment 5 'Feldmarschall Von Mackensen'
    Reichsgrenadier Regiment 'Hoch und Deutschmeister'
    116 Panzer Division 'Windhund'
    21 Panzer Division
    24 Panzer Division (1 Kavallerie Division)
    Panzer Lehr Division
    3 Gebirgs Division
    5 Gebirgs Division
    The Tiger Tank Battalions
  381. Men-at-Arms 381, janvier 2003 - Prussian Staff & Specialist Troops 1791–1815, par Peter Hofschröer (texte) et Christa Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Artillery - historical development, uniforms, organisation, equipment, training, tactics, battle history
    Engineers - historical development, uniforms, organisation, equipment, training, tactics, battle history
    Medical troops - historical development, uniforms, organisation, equipment, training, tactics, battle history
    Staff - historical development, uniforms, organisation, equipment, training, tactics, battle history
    Flags - infantry pre-1806, infantry post-1806, infantry 1815, cavalry pre-1806, cavalry post-1806, cavalry 1815
  382. Men-at-Arms 382, février 2003 - Wellington's Peninsula Regiments (1). The Irish, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Irish in the British Army of the Napoleonic Wars
    The Irish Establishment
    4th Royal Irish Dragoon Guards
    27th Foot (Enniskillen)
    83rd Foot
    87th Foot (Prince of Wales's Own Irish)
    88th Foot (Connaught Rangers)
    89th Foot
  383. Men-at-Arms 383, janvier 2003 - Colonial American Troops 1610–1774 (3), par René Chartrand (texte) et David Rickman (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    South Carolina
    North Carolina
    Nova Scotia and Newfoundland
    Hudsons Bay
    Quebec Province
    The Rangers
    Colors and standards
  384. Men-at-Arms 384, février 2003 - Armies of the German Peasants' War 1524–26, par Douglas Miller (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical background
    Chronology of events
    Organisation of the armies: Upper Swabia - Allgäu, Lake Constance, Baltringen, Leipheim, Wurzach. Lower Franconia - Taubertal, Neckartal Odenwald, Bildhäuser. The Swabian Alliance
    The commanders
    Major battles - weapons and tactics
    Costume & armour: peasants and townsmen - Landsknechts and Swiss mercenaries - knights
    Flags & recognition marks
  385. Men-at-Arms 385, février 2003 - The Hermann Göring Division, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Combat history
    Uniforms and insignia
    Highly decorated personnel
    Units: Landespolizeigruppe 'General Göring'
    Regiment 'General Göring'
    Brigade 'Hermann Göring'
    Panzergrenadier Division 'Hermann Göring'
    Fallschirm-Panzer Division 'Hermann Göring'
    Fallschirm-Panzerkorps 'Hermann Göring'
  386. Men-at-Arms 386, juin 2003 - The US Army of World War I, par Mark Henry (texte) et Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The US Army in 1914
    1916: the National Defense Act - expansion of the regular forces
    1917: mobilisation of the National Guard
    1917: the Selective Service Law - conscription
    The American Expeditionary Force - from 'triangular' to 'square' unit structure - divisional organisation - command
    Campaign summary
    Post-Armistice operations
    Uniforms & insignia
  387. Men-at-Arms 387, mars 2003 - The Italian Army of World War I, par David Nicolle (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Italy and the Great Army
    Mobilisation, Strength & character
    line Infantry
    Elite & Specialist units
    Cavalry & Mechanised troops
    technical troops
    Support troops
    Colonial & naval troops
    Select bibliography & further reading
    the plates
  388. Men-at-Arms 388, mars 2003 - Zulu War – Volunteers, Irregulars & Auxiliaries, par Ian Castle (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Natal Volunteer Corps
    Irregular Cavalry
    Auxiliary Units
    War service
  389. Men-at-Arms 389, avril 2003 - Napoleon's Red Lancers, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    From Royal Guard to Imperial Guard - the background and creation of the regiment, 1810-11
    Officers & men - careers - regimental life in the Versailles garrison
    Campaigns - Russia 1812 - Germany 1813
    Belgium 1814 - division of the regiment into Old and Young Guard units - General Maison's Antwerp campaign
    Uniforms & weapons - full descriptions from unpublished Dutch sources
  390. Men-at-Arms 390, mai 2003 - Roman Military Clothing (2). AD 200–400, par Graham Sumner (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Tunic designs AD 200-500
    Military cloaks
    Catalogue of evidence for colours of tunics and cloaks, AD 200-500 (32 items of literary, sculptural, fresco, encaustic, mosaic, papyrus and surviving textile evidence discussed)
    Summary of the evidence
    Trousers (bracae), leg-bindings
    Military boots
    Hats and other headgear
    The Roman soldier on campaign
  391. Men-at-Arms 391, septembre 2003 - The British Army in World War I (1). The Western Front 1914–16, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Campaign summary
    Organisation - the Regular Army & British Expeditionary Force - Territorial Force - 'Kitchener's Army' - RN & RM units operating on land
    Personal equipment & weapons
    Supporting arms
  392. Men-at-Arms 392, mai 2003 - The Austro-Hungarian Forces in World War I (1). 1914–16, par Peter Jung (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The complex military organisation of the multi-national Imperial-Royal armies
    Higher Command
    Technical Services
    Polish, Ukrainian, Albanian Legions
    Tyrolean & Carinthian Volunteer units
    Uniforms 1914 'pike-grey'
    1915 'field grey'
    Representative campaigns - Russian front (Brusilov offensive), Italian front (1st-6th battles of the Isonzo), Balkans, Gallipoli
  393. Men-at-Arms 393, juin 2003 - World War II German Women’s Auxiliary Services, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Women's roles under the Third Reich
    Army services: Signals Auxiliaries - Staff Auxiliaries - Economics Auxiliaries
    Navy services: Aircraft Tracking Auxiliaries - Air Warning Service - Naval Auxiliaries
    Luftwaffe services: Aircraft Report Service - Signals Auxiliaries - Staff Auxiliaries - Flak Auxiliaries
    Waffen-SS Auxiliaries
    Political services: Party Women's Movement - Eastern Territories Auxiliaries
    Red Cross Auxiliaries
    Labour Corps Auxiliaries
    Police Auxiliaries
  394. Men-at-Arms 394, août 2003 - The German Army in World War I (1). 1914–15, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Overview - the German forces August 1914 - September 1915
    The High Command
    The four national contingents
    Organisation - the Field Army, the Replacement Army
    Operations, August 1914 - September 1915: Western Front, Eastern Front
    Uniforms - orders of dress, officers & other ranks: 1914 ceremonial, 1907-10 field, training & fatigue - special clothing
    Rank insignia
    Branch & unit insignia
    Tables: Orders of Dress - Rank Insignia - Branch & Regimental Insignia 1914-15
    Orders of Battle
  395. Men-at-Arms 395, août 2003 - Tribes of the Iroquois Confederacy, par Michael G Johnson (texte) et Jonathan Smith (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction - Origins of the Confederacy
    The five, later six nations
    History of the Confederacy: early contacts with British and Dutch colonies
    The 17th century Mohawk and Beaver Wars against the French - Sir William Johnson and the French-Indian War, 1701-1770 - Joseph Brandt and the Revolution, 1770-1800
    Social organization and religion
    Material culture
  396. Men-at-Arms 396, août 2003 - Medieval Scandinavian Armies (1). 1100–1300, par David Lindholm, David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Chronology of major events
    The passing of the Viking age
    Denmark: German influence - the feudal system - the nobility, and heavy cavalry
    Norway: trading centre but military backwater
    Sweden: armies of the early Baltic campaigns - relations between the classes
    Armour, weapons and tactics: the importance of the crossbow
    Finland: a tribal frontier
  397. Men-at-Arms 397, novembre 2003 - The Austro-Hungarian Forces in World War I (2). 1916–18, par Peter Jung (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Military re-organisations, 1916
    Army & Navy air forces
    Naval troops
    Armoured troops
    Representative campaigns - Russian front (Kerensky offensive), Balkans, Italian front (7th-12th battles of the Isonzo, Piave offensive), occupation of Ukraine
    Austro-Hungarian troops on the Western Front
  398. Men-at-Arms 398, octobre 2003 - The Texan Army 1835–46, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The three armies of the Texan Revolution - Austin at San Antonio - Travis at the Alamo - Fannin at La Bahia - Houston at San Jacinto
    Texian Militia
    US volunteers - New Orleans Greys - Alabama Red Rovers
    Texian regulars - Tampico Blues - Travis' Cavalry - 1st Texian Infantry - Texian Dragoons
    The army of the Republic
    1839 regulations: infantry - cavalry - ordnance - marines - Galveston Coast Guards
  399. Men-at-Arms 399, octobre 2003 - Medieval Scandinavian Armies (2). 1300–1500, par David Lindholm, David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Chronology of major wars
    Scandinavian army organisation 1300-1500
    Influence of the Hanseatic German cities
    Armour: from mail to plate - the Wisby graves of 1361 analysed
    Fortifications and siege warfare
  400. Men-at-Arms 400, janvier 2004 - Wellington's Peninsula Regiments (2). The Light Infantry, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The evolution of British light infantry
    British Light Infantry 1800–1808
    43rd (Monmouthsire) and 52nd (Oxfordshire) Light Infantry
    51st (2nd Yorkshire, West Riding) Light Infantry
    68th (Durham) Light Infantry
    85th (Bucks Volunteers) Light Infantry
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  401. Men-at-Arms 401, novembre 2003 - The Waffen-SS (1). 1. to 5. Divisions, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    1. SS Panzer Division 'Leibstandarte Adolf Hitler'
    2. SS Panzer Division 'Das Reich'
    3. SS Panzer Division 'Totenkopf’
    4.SS Polizei Panzergenadier Division
    5. SS Panzer Division 'Wiking'
  402. Men-at-Arms 402, janvier 2005 - The British Army in World War I (2). The Western Front 1916–18, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Campaign summary
    The evolution of tactics and battle training
    Supporting arms - artillery, tanks, aircraft
    Insignia - the spread of unit & formation battle insignia
    Equipment & weapons
  403. Men-at-Arms 403, février 2004 - French Revolutionary Infantry 1789–1802, par Terry Crowdy (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The historical background - the infantry of the Ancien Regime up to 1789
    Organisation and uniforms - Line regiments and Light battalions - National Guard - Volunteers & irregulars - Demi-brigades
    The 1791 regulations - drill and tactics, from individual soldier to battalion
  404. Men-at-Arms 404, mars 2004 - The Waffen-SS (2). 6. to 10. Divisions, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    6. SS-Gebirgs-Division 'Nord'
    7. SS-Freiwilligen Gebirgs Division 'Prinz Eugen'
    8. SS-Kavallerie Division 'Florian Geyer'
    9. SS-Panzer Division 'Hohenstaufen'
    10.SS-Panzer Division 'Frundsberg'
    The Plates
  405. Men-at-Arms 405, avril 2005 - Napoleon’s Carabiniers, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Origins of the Carabinier corps and early history, 16th–18th centuries
    Tactical role as élite shock troops
    Reorganisation of 1791
    Napoleon's cavalry reforms 1802
    Uniform regulations, 1802–1809-10
    Battle record: the campaigns of Austerlitz, Friedland, Eckmuehl, Essling; heavy casualties at Wagram (1809)
    The new uniforms and armour
    Battle record: the campaigns of Russia, Germany and France, 1812-14
    The Hundred Days' campaign, 1815 - the legend of 'the traitor of Waterloo'
  406. Men-at-Arms 406, mai 2005 - The British Army in World War I (3). The Eastern Fronts, par Mike Chappell (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Organisation and campaign summaries - the British forces in Gallipoli, Italy, Greece, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Palestine, Germany's African colonies
    Intervention - Southern Russia & the Army of the Black Sea
    Holding the Empire - the North-West Frontier
    Personal equipment & weapons
    Supporting arms
  407. Men-at-Arms 407, avril 2004 - The German Army in World War I (2). 1915–17, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The German Empire & Army in 1915
    Strategy & Tactics
    M1915-16 Uniforms
    The Plates
  408. Men-at-Arms 408, avril 2004 - Warriors at the Little Bighorn 1876, par Richard Hook (texte et illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction - the battle – the village – Pictographic art – Clothing and Adornment – Weapons & Shields
    Biographical Notes & Plate Commentaries
  409. Men-at-Arms 409, mai 2004 - The Hussite Wars 1419–36, par Stephen Turnbull (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Campaigns - Jan Hus - Jan Zizka - the 'crusades' - the Wars of the Orphans
    Armies of the Hussite Wars
    Heavy Arms and Equipment
  410. Men-at-Arms 410, juin 2004 - Napoleon's Balkan Troops, par Vladimir Brnardic (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The French Empire in the Balkans
    Dalmatia & Istria
    Ionian Seven Islands Corps
    Foreign Troops in the Illyrian Provinces
    Bibliography & Further Reading
    The Plates
  411. Men-at-Arms 411, juin 2005 - Warrior Peoples of East Africa 1840–1900, par CJ Peers (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction - the peoples of East Africa - British and German colonial expansion
    The Masai - The Ngoni - The HeHe - The Ruga-Ruga - The Nandi
    The Turkana
  412. Men-at-Arms 412, septembre 2004 - Ukrainian Armies 1914–55, par Eugene Pinak, Peter Abbott (texte) et Oleksiy Rudenko (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    World War I - Ukrainian units of the Austro-Hungarian and Russian armies
    The first struggles for independence - the Ukrainian National Republic 1917-21 - the Western Ukrainian Republic 1918-20
    World War II - Carpathia-Ruthenia 1938-39 - Ukrainian units in the Wehrmacht, Polizei & Waffen-SS - Ukrainian National Army 1945
    Aftermath - the Ukrainian Insurgent Army 1941-56.
  413. Men-at-Arms 413, septembre 2005 - Austrian Frontier Troops 1740–98, par David Hollins (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The First Irregulars – Trenk's Freikorps – native costumes
    The first regulars – evolution of uniforms
    The 1769 reforms – Grenz units in the Imperial Line – artillery and sharpshooter units
    Grenzer cavalry
    Auxiliary formations
    Grenzers at the start of the Napoleonic period
  414. Men-at-Arms 414, juillet 2004 - The Russo-Japanese War 1904–05, par Philip Jowett, Alexei Ivanov (texte) et Andrei Karachtchouk (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Military Innovations
    The Russian Army in 1904
    Russian Army Uniforms
    The Japanese Army in 1904
    Japanese Army Uniforms
    The Plates
  415. Men-at-Arms 415, août 2004 - The Waffen-SS (3). 11. to 23. Divisions, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division 'Nordland'
    Panzer Division 'Hitlerjugend'
    Waffen Grenadier Division der SS
    Waffen Grenadier Division der SS
    Panzergrenadier Division 'Reichsfuhrer-SS'
    SS Panzergrenadier Division 'Gotz von Berlichingen'
    SS Freiwilligen Panzergrenadier Division 'Horst Wessel'
    Waffen Grenadier Division der SS
    Waffen Grenadier Division der SS
    Freiwilligen Kavallerie Division 'Maria Theresia'
    Waffen Gebirgs Division der SS 'Kama'
  416. Men-at-Arms 416, août 2004 - German Armies 1870–71 (1). Prussia, par Michael Solka (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Orders of battle
    Ranks and distinctions
    Uniforms & Equipment: Officers' uniforms, generalities
    Staff command guards
    Line cavalry
    Line infantry
    Reserve cavalry
  417. Men-at-Arms 417, octobre 2004 - The Irish Defence Forces since 1922, par Donal MacCarron (texte) et Bill Younghusband (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Formation of Free State national army
    Civil War 1922-23
    The diminished force of the 1930s
    The political background to the volunteer Territorial Force
    The Treaty Ports & Forts handed back in 1938
    World War II: the difficulties of neutrality - the Emergency Army & Local Defence Force - the eight invasion scares
    Post-war reorganisation
    Peace-keeping missions
    Border security & counter-terrorism since 1968
    The controversial EU commitment
  418. Men-at-Arms 418, mai 2005 - American Indians of the Pacific Northwest, par Elizabeth Von Aderkas (texte) et Christa Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Tribes of the Northwest coast
    tribes of the Plateau
    Clothing, housing & canoes
    Hunting, fishing & trade
    religion & ceremonial life
    select bibliography
    The plates
  419. Men-at-Arms 419, novembre 2004 - The German Army in World War I (3). 1917–18, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Overview: the German forces March 1917–November 1918
    The High Command
    Branches of the army
    Organisation: the Field Army; the Replacement Army
    Operations: Western Front; Eastern Front; Italy; Balkans; Palestine
    Uniforms: officers and other ranks, 1917–18; special clothing; army officials; insignia; medals and awards
    Tables & Orders of Battle
  420. Men-at-Arms 420, novembre 2004 - The Waffen-SS (4). 24. to 38. Divisions, & Volunteer Legions, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Stephen Andrew (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    24. 'Karstjager'
    25. 'Hunyadi'
    26. 'Hungaria'
    27. ‘Langemarck'
    28. 'Wallonien'
    29. (italienische)
    32. '30 Januar'
    33. 'Charlemagne'
    34. 'Landstorm Nederland'
    35. SS und Polizei Gren. Div.
    37. 'Lutzow'
    38. 'Niberlungen'
    Volunteer legions
  421. Men-at-Arms 421, janvier 2005 - The Sikh Army 1799–1849, par Ian Heath (texte) et Michael Perry (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Sikh Khalsa army
    The Lion of Lahore - Ranjit Singh and the creation of the Fauj-i-Ain regulars
    Political unrest and intrigue following Ranjit's death, 1839 - weakening of army discipline - consequences of British defeat in Afghan War and annexation of Scinde
    Outbreak and campaigns of First Sikh War, 1845–46
    Second Sikh War, 1848–49
    Sikh regular infantry
    Irregular infantry
    Cavalry: regular regiments
  422. Men-at-Arms 422, février 2005 - German Armies 1870–71 (2). Prussia’s Allies, par Michael Solka (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The contingents
  423. Men-at-Arms 423, mai 2005 - The Confederate Army 1861–65 (1). South Carolina & Mississippi, par Ron Field (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    South Carolina: Antebellum militia, Uniformed volunteer militia, Volunteer forces, 1861, Regular Army of S. Carolina, 1861–64, Staff Quartermaster issue uniforms, 1861–64, Volunteer aid societies, 1861–63 Arms and equippage
    Mississippi: Antebellum militia, Army of Mississippi: organization – uniform regulations – full dress – fatigue dress, State issue clothing, Volunteer aid societies, Arms and equipage
  424. Men-at-Arms 424, juillet 2005 - The Chinese Army 1937–49. World War II and Civil War, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction - background
    The Chinese Army in 1937
    The Sino-Japanese War 1937–45
    The Chinese Army 1942–45
    The Civil War 1946–49
    Uniforms 1937–45
    Uniforms 1946–49
  425. Men-at-Arms 425, août 2005 - Roman Military Clothing (3). AD 400–640, par Raffaele D’Amato (texte) et Graham Sumner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Soldier On Campaign
    Clothing Distribution
    Fabrics And Decoration
    Other Clothing
    Guard Uniforms
    Select Catalogue Of Evidence For The Colour Of Military Garments
    Select Bibliography
    The Plates
  426. Men-at-Arms 426, août 2005 - The Confederate Army 1861–65 (2). Florida, Alabama & Georgia, par Ron Field (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Florida – Antebellum militia – Out-of-state supply
    Alabama – Antebellum militia – Alabama Volunteer Corps – Military suppliers
    Georgia – Antebellum militia – Volunteers – The Georgia Army – Georgia-pattern clothing – State Clothing Bureau – Volunteer aid – Military suppliers
  427. Men-at-Arms 427, janvier 2006 - Armies of Ivan the Terrible. Russian Troops 1505–1700, par Viacheslav Shpakovsky, David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction: Russia in the 16th and 17th centuries
    16th Century Eastern expansion
    Noble cavalry
    New threats and horizons in the late 16th century – The 'time of troubles'
    17th century armies
    Arms Production
    The Navy
    Army of the Principality of Great Lithuania
  428. Men-at-Arms 428, mars 2006 - Indian Tribes of the New England Frontier, par Michael G Johnson (texte) et Jonathan Smith (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The tribes of the North Atlantic coast and New England
    The Pequot war, 1630s, and its aftermath
    King Philip’s War, 1870s
    The Delaware Trail leads West
    Indian Life and Culture
    Famous Chiefs
  429. Men-at-Arms 429, mars 2006 - Napoleon’s Mamelukes, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Background history of the Mameluk corps pre-1801
    Organization and structure, 1802
    Uniforms and weapons
    Campaign service under the empire
    Disbandment and aftermath
  430. Men-at-Arms 430, avril 2006 - The Confederate Army 1861–65 (3). Louisiana & Texas, par Ron Field (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Louisiana: Antebellum volunteer militia, 1861 – Zouaves & Chasseurs, 1861–62– Confederate States volunteers, 1861–62 – State-issue clothing, 1861–63 – Uniforms provided by Ladies' Aid Societies – Arms & equipage
    Texas – Antebellum volunteer militia – Confederate States volunteers, 1861–62 – State-issue clothing, 1861–62 – Ladies' Aid Societies – Arms & equipage.
  431. Men-at-Arms 431, juillet 2006 - Britain’s Secret War. The Indonesian Confrontation 1962–66, par Will Fowler (texte) et Kevin Lyles (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The political background
    Confrontation: General Walker’s operational principles, ‘Hearts and minds’
    Indonesian Cross-border Attacks 1963–64
    Mainland Raids, 1964–65
    The Confrontation in the Air
    ‘Claret’ Operations: SAS, Australian SAS, New Zealand SAS
    The Last Year
  432. Men-at-Arms 432, juin 2006 - Japanese Special Naval Landing Forces. Uniforms and equipment 1932–45, par Gary Nila, Robert. A Rolfe (texte) et Christa Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Origins of SNLF - World War II Headgear including caps and helmuts
    Insignia of rank and specialty
    Leather equipment
    Cloth & canvas equipment
    Naval paratroop equipment
    Miscellaneous equipment
  433. Men-at-Arms 433, août 2006 - Napoleon’s Scouts of the Imperial Guard, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Napoleon's dilemma in 1813 - shortage of light cavalry, and frustration of reconnaissance by Russian Cossacks
    His solution - the creation of three regiments of Mounted Scouts - organization and numbers, officers
    Uniforms & equipment: 1er Regt d'Éclaireurs-Grenadiers - 2e Regt d'Éclaireurs-Dragons - 3e Regt d'Éclaireurs-Lanciers
    The Scout regiments in the Campaign of France, 1814
  434. Men-at-Arms 434, septembre 2006 - World War II German Police Units, par Gordon Williamson (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Ordnungspolizei: Schutzpolizei (National & Municipal Police) - Gendarmerie (Rural Police) - Traffic Police - Administrative Police - Colonial Police - Water Protection Police - Fire Protection Police - Air Defence Police - Technical Emergency Service
    Sonderpolizei (Special Police): Railway Police - Postal Police - Broadcasting Police - Mines Police - Dams Police - Police Auxiliaries
    Sicherheitspolizei (Security Police) - Border Police - Customs Police - Criminal Police
  435. Men-at-Arms 435, octobre 2006 - The Confederate Army 1861–65 (4). Virginia & Arkansas, par Ron Field (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Virginia: Antebellum volunteer militia, 1861
    State uniforms, 1858-61
    Virginia volunteers, 1861-62
    Confederate States volunteers, 1861-62
    State-issue clothing, 1861-63
    Uniforms provided by Ladies' Aid Societies
    Arms & equipage
    Antebellum volunteer militia
    Confederate States volunteers, 1861-62
    State-issue clothing, 1861-63
    Clothing provided by Ladies' Aid Societies
    Arms & equipage
  436. Men-at-Arms 436, février 2007 - The Scandinavian Baltic Crusades 1100–1500, par David Lindholm, David Nicolle (texte) et Angus McBride (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The major participants
    Early crusades, 11th–14th centuries
    Organization of the crusaders and of their enemies
    Later crusades 14th–15th centuries
    Changes in weaponry, tactics and organization
    From campaigning to permanent settlement
  437. Men-at-Arms 437, février 2007 - The Spanish-American War and Philippine Insurrection. 1898–1902, par Alejandro de Quesada (texte) et Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical introduction
    Chronology of campaigns
    US expeditionary forces
    Spanish forces
    Cuban forces
    Filipino forces
    Long plates commentaries
  438. Men-at-Arms 438, avril 2007 - US Infantry in the Indian Wars 1865–91, par Ron Field (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Campaigning With the Infantry
    Summary of Main Campaigns & Actions
    Arms & Equipage
    Select Bibliography
    Plate Commentaries
  439. Men-at-Arms 439, juin 2007 - The Canadian Corps in World War I, par René Chartrand (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Formation of Canadian Expeditionary Force
    Canadians in the trenches: first gas attacks, April 1915 - formation of Canadian Corps - outstanding tactical skill of Gen Arthur Currie - growing combat experience - Vimy Ridge, 1917, and its great significance to Canadian nation - Canadian Corps spearhead victorious advance in Belgium, summer 1918
    Canadian naval and air force contributions
    Uniforms & equipment
  440. Men-at-Arms 440, août 2007 - Napoleon’s Polish Lancers of the Imperial Guard, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Poland 1806–07
    Formation as Light Horse 1807
    Spain 1808
    Complete conversion to Lancers 1809 – Wagram – organization and uniforms
    1812 – the vain hope of a restored Polish kingdom – the Russian campaign – enlargement to two regiments
    The 1813–14 campaigns – Leipzig, and the death of Prince Poniatowski
    Elba – the squadron of honour
  441. Men-at-Arms 441, octobre 2007 - The Confederate Army 1861–65 (5). Tennessee & North Carolina, par Ron Field (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Tennessee: Tennessee militia; Early war volunteers; Ladies’ aid societies; Military and Financial Board clothing, 1861–63; Winter clothing; Military suppliers; Arms and equipage
    North Carolina: Antebellum militia; Volunteers of 1861; Ladies’ aid societies; State clothing; Winter clothing; Military suppliers; Arms & equipage
    Select bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  442. Men-at-Arms 442, octobre 2007 - Queen Victoria’s Highlanders, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Scottish regiments post-Waterloo: dramatic increase in public reputation – restoration of the kilt (previously forbidden on political grounds since Jacobite rebellion) to unkilted units
    Chronology of campaigns - e.g. South Africa, Canada, Crimea, Indian Mutiny, Persia, North-west Frontier, Afghanistan
    Unit organization and evolution throughout the century, culminating in Cardwell reforms of 1880s and granting of formal title 'Highlanders'
    Uniform evolution throughout the century, with increasing introduction of romantic 'clan' distinctions
  443. Men-at-Arms 443, novembre 2009 - The Army of Herod the Great, par Samuel Rocca (texte) et Christa Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction and short chronology
    Strength, character and functions of Herod’s Judaean army, as regional power and ally of Republican early Imperial Rome
    Organization & tactics: infantry and the Roman influence – cavalry and the Hellenistic influence
    Ethnic composition: Jewish, Parthian, Roman, Gallic, Germanic
    Equipment & weapons: Roman, Hellenistic and Oriental influences
    Command & structure: senior commanders – royal guard – cavalry, including Parthians – Iturean archers – Judaean heavy infantry
    Campaigns: conquest of Judaea – siege of Jerusalem – First Nabatean War – to Arabia with Aelius Gallus – Second Nabatean War
  444. Men-at-Arms 444, janvier 2008 - Napoleon’s Mounted Chasseurs of the Imperial Guard, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The origins of a legend
    The consular guard
    The imperial guard
    The early campaigns
    The interbellum, 1810-12
    The later campaigns
    Plate commentaries
  445. Men-at-Arms 445, février 2008 - Medieval Polish Armies 966–1500, par Witold Sarnecki, David Nicolle (texte) Gerry Embleton et Samuel Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction - overview of medieval Poland
    Chronology of major military events
    Early Polish armies, 10th-12th Centuries
    Campaigns & tactics of early Piast rulers
    The Division of the Provinces, 1138-1320
    The 14th Century unification
    15th Century changes
    Polish heraldry
  446. Men-at-Arms 446, mai 2008 - The Confederate Army 1861–65 (6). Missouri, Kentucky & Maryland, par Ron Field (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Missouri: Volunteer militia; Missouri State Guard; Volunteers and guerrillas; Military suppliers; Insignia; Arms and equipage
    Kentucky: Antebellum militia; Kentucky State Guard; Volunteer forces 1861–63; Military suppliers; Arms and equipage
    Maryland: Antebellum militia; Maryland volunteers; Maryland Zouaves; Military suppliers; Arms and equipage
    Plate commentaries
  447. Men-at-Arms 447, octobre 2009 - The Czech Legion 1914–20, par David Bullock (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Towards nationhood
    The russian front, 1914-17
    The western front, 1914-19
    The italian front, 1917-19
    Russia: revolt & civil war, 1917-18
    The siberian garrison, 1918-20
    Futher reading
    Plate commentaries
  448. Men-at-Arms 448, août 2008 - Irish-American Units in the Civil War, par Thomas G. Rodgers (texte) et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Overview of Irish response to the Civil War
    State by state review of Irish units, their uniforms, flags, arms and equipment
  449. Men-at-Arms 449, octobre 2008 - The Royal Hungarian Army in World War II, par Nigel Thomas, Laszlo Szabo (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Organization of Royal Hungarian Army 1939
    Occupations of Slovakian, Rutheniand and Yugoslavian territory, 1938-41
    Operation Barbarossa: Mobile Group, Mobile Corps and Carpathian Group on the Ukraine, June-November 1941
    Occupation Corps in the Ukraine, 1942
    2d Army on the Don, June 1942-January 1943
    Anti-partisan warfare 1943
    Soviet Rumanian offensive, August 1944 - defence of Transylvania
    Replacement of Horthy government by Arrow-Cross regime, October 1944
    Defence and fall of Budapest, December 1944-February 1945
    Pro-German and pro-Soviet units: Czechoslovakia and Austria, December 1944-May 1945
  450. Men-at-Arms 450, septembre 2008 - American Loyalist Troops 1775–84, par René Chartrand (texte), Gerry Embleton et Samuel Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Loyaliste participation in major actions
    Unit histories: The 13 Colonies; Canada; Nova Scotia, Island of St John & Newfoundland; East & West Florida; West Indies & Central America
    Loyal volunteer militias
    Select bibliography
    Plate commentaries: Uniforms: the American command – the Canadian command
  451. Men-at-Arms 451, novembre 2009 - Imperial Roman Naval Forces 31 BC–AD 500, par Raffaele D’Amato (texte) et Graham Sumner (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The fleets
    Armour & weapons
    The ships
    War at sea
    Select bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  452. Men-at-Arms 452, juin 2009 - The Belgian Army in World War I, par Ronald Pawly, Pierre Lierneux (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical background
    The military situation in 1914
    Rebuilding the army
    The watch on the Yser, 1915-17
    The belgian air force
    The appearance of the belgian infantryman
    Select bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  453. Men-at-Arms 453, août 2009 - Armies of the East India Company 1750–1850, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
  454. Men-at-Arms 454, août 2009 - The Seminole Wars 1818–58, par Ron Field et Richard Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The First Seminole War 1818–19
    The Second Seminole War 1835–42
    The Third Seminole War 1855–58
    Seminole Dress
    US Uniforms, Weapons and Equipage
    Select Bibliography
    Plate Commentaries
  455. Men-at-Arms 455, mai 2009 - US Armed Forces in China 1856–1941, par John Langellier (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
  456. Men-at-Arms 456, novembre 2009 - Mounted Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
  457. Men-at-Arms 457, octobre 2009 - Imperial Armies of the Thirty Years’ War (1). Infantry and artillery, par Vladimir Brnardic (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
  458. Men-at-Arms 458, juin 2010 - Army of the Republic of Vietnam 1955–75, par Gordon L Rottman (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical Background
    Command Structure
    Divisional Histories
    Armored Forces
    Ranger Command
    Non-divisional Units
    Combat Unit Organization
    ARVN Weapons and Equipment
    The ARVN Soldier
    The Advisors
  459. Men-at-Arms 459, juin 2010 - The Varangian Guard 988–1453, par Raffaele D’Amato (texte) et Giuseppe Rava (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    History of the Regiment
    Terms of service and everyday life
    Arms and Equipment
  460. Men-at-Arms 460, septembre 2010 - Frederick the Great’s Allies 1756–63, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Gerry Embleton
  461. Men-at-Arms 461, juillet 2010 - French Foreign Legion 1872–1914, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Legion following the Franco-Prussian War
    Algeria 1871–83
    Tonkin (N.Vietnam): conquest 1882–85 – pacification 1886–1900
    Madagascar: conquest 1896 – pacification 1896–1900
    Algerian Desert 1890–1902
    Moroccan Intervention: Casablanca 1907–08 – Fes 1911–12 – Eastern High Plains 1908–12
    French Moroccan Protectorate 1912–14
  462. Men-at-Arms 462, novembre 2010 - Imperial Armies of the Thirty Years’ War (2) Cavalry, par Vladimir Brnardic (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Introduction: Troop types
    Recruitment: Nobility, militias and mercenaries
    Organization: Regiment, companies and squadrons, ranks and responsabilities, discipline - Horses - Standards, musicians
    The first regular régiments: Dampierre/Florentine (1616), Illow/D'Espaigne (1631), Alt-Piccolomini (1629)
    Wartime cavalry strengths: Fluctuating strengths of the cavalry arm during the ThirtyYears' War
    Cuirassiers: Organization, armour, weapons, tactics
    Harquebusiers: Organization, armour, weapons, tactics
    Dragoons: Origins and organization, clothing and weapons
    Light cavalry: Croats, hussars, Polish cavalry - Armour and weapons, clothing, horse furniture, tactics
    Independent companies
    Further reading
    Plate commentaries
  463. Men-at-Arms 463, septembre 2010 - Chinese Warlord Armies 1911–30, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Walsh
    Sommaire :
    Chinese Imperial Army 1900–11
    Revolutionary Army 1911–12
    Early Warlord Armies 1911–20
    Later Warlord Armies 1920–28
    National Revolutionary Army 1923–30
    Weaponry: small arms, artillery, armour and trains
    Organization: recruitment, training, tactics, logistics, communication
    Uniforms: Imperial 1911, Republican 1911–28, regional warlord armies, winter clothing, Kuomintang Army 1923
  464. Men-at-Arms 464, octobre 2010 - World War II Soviet Armed Forces (1) - 1939–41, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Course of the War in Outline
    The Soviet High Command
    Red Army Land Forces
    Summary of Land Force
    Land Forces Uniforms
    Red Army Air Force
    NKVD Security Forces
    Plate commentaries
  465. Men-at-Arms 465, mars 2011 - Brazilian Expeditionary Force in World War II, par Cesar Campiani Maximiano, Ricardo Bonalume Neto (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Brazilian Expeditionary Force
    The Brazilian Division in Battle
    The Brazilian Air Force Squadrons
    Uniforms and Equipment
    Further Reading & Sources
    Plate commentaries
  466. Men-at-Arms 466, avril 2011 - Armies of the Balkan Wars 1912–13 - The priming charge for the Great War, par Philip Jowett (texte) Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Armies
    Weapons & Equipment
    Plate commentaries
  467. Men-at-Arms 467, avril 2011 - North American Indian Tribes of the Great Lakes, par Michael G Johnson (texte) Jonathan Smith (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Great Lakes Region
    Principal Indian Nations
    Wars with the White Man
    Some Indian Leaders
    The Great Lakes Nations since c.1850
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  468. Men-at-Arms 468, juillet 2011 - World War II Soviet Armed Forces (2) - 1942–43, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Long Counter-Attack
    The Soviet High Command
    Red Army Land Forces
    Summary of Land Forces Campaigns
    Land Forces Uniforms
    Red Army Air Force
    NKVD Security Forces
    Plate commentaries
  469. Men-at-Arms 469, novembre 2012 - World War II Soviet Armed Forces (3) - 1944–45, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Darko Pavlovic (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Advance to Victory
    Red Army Land Forces
    Summary of Land Forces Campaigns
    Land Forces Uniforms
    Red Army Air Force
    NKVD and NKGB Forces
    Plate commentaries
  470. Men-at-Arms 470, août 2011 - Roman Centurions 753–31 BC - The Kingdom and the Age of Consuls, par Raffaele D’Amato (texte) et Giuseppe Rava (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Age of the Kings
    The Early Consular period
    The Late Consular period
    Career and Status
    Duties and Service
    Arms and Equipment
    Defensive Equipment
    Clothing and Distinctions
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  471. Men-at-Arms 471, septembre 2011 - Armies of the Adowa Campaign 1896 - The Italian Disaster in Ethiopia, par Sean McLachlan (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Italy's East African Ambitions
    The Mahdist Challenge, 1890-94
    Confrontation with Ethiopia, 1895-96
    Adowa: the Italian Advance
    The Battle
    The Ethiopian Army
    The Italian Army
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  472. Men-at-Arms 472, septembre 2011 - Armies of the Irish Rebellion 1798, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Gerry Embleton, Sam Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The United Irishmen
    Chronology of the Campaign
    The British Army
    The Rebels
    The French
    Plate commentaries
  473. Men-at-Arms 473, octobre 2011 - The New Zealand Expeditionary Force in World War I, par Wayne Stack (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Western Front
    The Middle East
    Uniforms & Insignia
    Weapons & Equipment
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  474. Men-at-Arms 474, novembre 2011 - The Chaco War 1932–35 - South America’s greatest modern conflict, par Alejandro de Quesada (texte) et Ramiro Bujeiro (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Paraguayan Forces
    The Bolivian Forces
    Military Operations
    The Air War
    Foreign Involvement
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  475. Men-at-Arms 475, novembre 2011 - The Spanish Army in North America 1700–1793, par René Chartrand (texte) et David Rickman (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Overseas Army
    The Metropolitan Army
    Uniforms & Equipment
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  476. Men-at-Arms 476, mars 2012 - Napoleon’s Swiss Troops, par David Greentree (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Helvetian Legions & the Demi-Brigades
    Formation of the Swiss Regiments
    1st Swiss Regiment: Italy, 1805-11
    The Peninsula, 1807-14: 2nd, 3rd & 4th Swiss Regiments
    Valais and Neuchâtel Battalions
    The Swiss Regiments in Russia, 1812
    The Swiss in 1813-15
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  477. Men-at-Arms 477, novembre 2012 - Macedonian Armies after Alexander 323–168 BC, par Nicholas Sekunda (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Historical Background
    Historical Sources
    Army Staff
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  478. Men-at-Arms 478, juin 2012 - The Australian Army in World War I, par Robert Fleming (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Further Reading
    Plate commentaries
  479. Men-at-Arms 479, février 2012 - Roman Centurions 31 BC–AD 500 - The Classical and Late Empire, par Raffaele D’Amato (texte) et Giuseppe Rava (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Risks & Rewards
    Social Status
    Arms & Equipment
    Clothing & Distinctions
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  480. Men-at-Arms 480, avril 2012 - Napoleon’s Dragoons of the Imperial Guard, par Ronald Pawly (texte) et Patrice Courcelle (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Empress's Dragoons
    1807: Definitive Organization
    1808: Spain
    1809: the Austrian Campaign
    1810-11: Administrative Evidence
    1812: a Capital too Far
    1813: Men of Bronze, and Marie-Louises
    1814: the Campaign of France
    1815: the Hundred Days
    Plate commentaries
  481. Men-at-Arms 481, juillet 2012 - The Spanish Tercios 1536–1704, par Ignacio J.N. López (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    'The Old Tercios'
    Unit Organization
    Military Ranks & Duties
    Recruiting, Training & Logistics
    Further Reading
    Plate commentaries
  482. Men-at-Arms 482, octobre 2012 - US 10th Mountain Division in World War II, par Gordon L. Rottman (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Origins of US Army Mountain Troops
    The 87th Mountain goes to "War"
    Creation of the 10th Mountain Division
    Deployment to Italy
    The End of the Trail
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  483. Men-at-Arms 483, octobre 2012 - Cumberland’s Culloden Army 1745–46, par Stuart Reid (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Leadership & Recruitment - the Line
    Provincial and Volunteers
    Foreign Troops
    The Regiments
    Plate commentaries
  484. Men-at-Arms 484, novembre 2012 - The Portuguese in the Age of Discovery c.1340–1665, par David Nicolle (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Portuguese Armies before the Hundred Years' War
    Organization & Recruitment, c.1400-1560
    Mercenaries & Colonial Forces
    Motivation, Training & Morale
    Strategy & Tactics
    Warships, Equipment & Weapons
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  485. Men-at-Arms 485, janvier 2013 - Polish Armies of the Partitions 1770–94, par Vincent W. Rospond (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical Background
    The Armies of 1764-72
    The Army of 1772-91
    The Army of 1791-94
    Units of the Polish Crown and Grand Duchy of Lithuania, 1765-94
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  486. Men-at-Arms 486, mars 2013 - The New Zealand Expeditionary Force in World War II, par Wayne Stack, Barry O’Sullivan (texte) et Mike Chappell (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Uniforms and Equipment
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  487. Men-at-Arms 487, mars 2013 - The New Zealand Wars 1820–72, par Ian Knight (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Pre-Colonial Maori Society
    The musket wars, c.1820-43
    The Flagstaff War, 1843-47
    Wars for Land, 1850s-1870s
    The Maori Warrior
    British Troops
    Colonial New Zealand Troops
    Further Reading
    Plate commentaries
  488. Men-at-Arms 488, avril 2013 - American Indian Tribes of the Southwest, par Michael G Johnson (texte) et Jonathan Smith (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The American Southwest
    Southwestern Indians before White Contact
    The Spanish Invasion
    The Tribes
    Athabascan (Athapaskan)
    Pueblo Indians
    Marginal Tribes
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  489. Men-at-Arms 489, juillet 2013 - Lincoln’s 90-Day Volunteers 1861 - From Fort Sumter to First Bull Run, par Ron Field (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Call to Arms
    Units, Uniforms, & Equipment
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  490. Men-at-Arms 490, août 2013 - Imperial German Colonial and Overseas Troops 1885–1918, par Alejandro de Quesada, Chris Dale (texte) et Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Germany's Emergence as a Colonial Power
    African Colonies
    Pacific Possessions
    The German Presence in China
    The Sea Battalions
    World War I Overseas
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  491. Men-at-Arms 491, octobre 2013 - Armies of the Volga Bulgars & Khanate of Kazan - 9th–16th centuries, par Viacheslav Shpakovsky, David Nicolle (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Wars of the Volga Bulgars
    Armies: Organization & Tactics
    Arms & Armour
    Fortifications & Siege Warfare
    Further Reading
    Plate commentaries
  492. Men-at-Arms 492, février 2014 - Modern African Wars (4) - The Congo 1960–2002, par Peter Abbott (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Outline Chronology
    Independence and the Secession Crisis, 1960-63
    The Orientale Revolt, 1964-65
    Mobutu's Congo/Zaïre, 1967-96
    The AFDL Revolt, 1996-97
    Africa's First Continental War, 1998-2002
    Plate commentaries
  493. Men-at-Arms 493, février 2014 - Hitler’s Blitzkrieg Enemies 1940 - Denmark, Norway, Netherlands & Belgium, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Johnny Shumate (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Netherlands
    Plate commentaries
  494. Men-at-Arms 494, avril 2014 - Forces of the Hanseatic League - 13th–15th Centuries, par David Nicolle (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Historical Background
    Evolution of the Hanseatic League
    Land Warfare, c.1250-c.1425
    Maritime Warfare
    Siege Warfare & Firearms
    The 15th Century: the Costs of Competition
    Further Reading
    Plate commentaries
  495. Men-at-Arms 495, mai 2014 - The Spanish Civil War 1936–39 (1) - Nationalist Forces, par Alejandro de Quesada (texte) et Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Background to Rebellion
    The National Army
    Colonial Troops
    Foreign volunteers
    The Air Force
    The Navy
    Security Forces
    Small Arms
    Further Reading
    Plate commentaries
  496. Men-at-Arms 496, octobre 2014 - The Prussian Army of the Lower Rhine 1815, par Peter Hofschröer (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Creating the Army
    The Condition of the Army in June 1815
    Uniforms & Equipment
    Drill & Training
    The Army in Battle
    Plate commentaries
  497. Men-at-Arms 497, novembre 2014 - Armies of the Russo-Polish War 1919–21, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The War in Context
    Polish Military Organization
    Russian Military Organization
    Ukrainian & Belarusian Military Organizations
    The Russo-Polish War
    Polish Army Uniforms & Insignia: 1919
    Red Army Uniforms & Insignia
    Ukrainian Uniforms & Insignia
    Plate commentaries
  498. Men-at-Arms 498, janvier 2015 - The Spanish Civil War 1936–39 (2) - Republican Forces, par Alejandro de Quesada (texte) et Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Second Spanish Republic
    Creation of the Ejército Popular
    Organization of Formations & Units
    Basque & Catalonian Units
    Republican Navy
    Republican Air Forces
    Security Forces
    Small Arms
    Further Reading
    Plate commentaries
  499. Men-at-Arms 499, mars 2015 - Armies of the War of the Triple Alliance 1864–70 - Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay & Argentina, par Gabriele Esposito (texte) et Giuseppe Rava (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Road to War
    Military Operations
    Naval Operations
    The Paraguayan Army
    The Brazilian Army
    The Argentine Army
    The Uruguayan Army
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  500. Men-at-Arms 500, avril 2015 - Armies of Castile and Aragon 1370–1516, par John Pohl (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Weaponry & Tactics
    Sea Power
    Campaigns of Fernando I & Alfonso V
    Consolidating Trastámara Power
    The Caribbean
    Gonzalo de Córdoba in Italy
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  501. Men-at-Arms 501, juillet 2015 - Armies of the Greek-Turkish War 1919–22, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Greek Army in Asia Minor
    Turkish forces
    Plate commentaries
  502. Men-at-Arms 502, septembre 2016 - Byzantine Naval Forces 1261–1461, par Raffaele D’Amato (texte) et Igor Dzis, Peter Dennis (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    History of the Naval Forces
    The Regiments
    Fleet Organisation & Strength
    Dress & Equipment
    Representative Actions
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  503. Men-at-Arms 503, octobre 2015 - Hitler’s Russian & Cossack Allies 1941–45, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Johnny Shumate (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Eastern Troops
    Independent Russian Volunteer Units
    Russian Cossacks
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  504. Men-at-Arms 504, janvier 2016 - Armies of the War of the Pacific 1879–83 - Chile, Peru & Bolivia, par Gabriele Esposito (texte) et Giuseppe Rava (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Military Operations
    The Chilean Army
    The Peruvian Army
    The Bolivian Army
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  505. Men-at-Arms 505, avril 2016 - Imperial Chinese Armies 1840–1911, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    Conflicts with External Enemies
    The Armies
    Character of the Imperial Army
    Uniforms & Equipment
    Plate commentaries
  506. Men-at-Arms 506, juin 2016 - Roman Army Units in the Western Provinces (1), par Raffaele D’Amato (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
    Sommaire :
    The Western Provinces
    Distribution of Units
    Arms & Equipment
    Select Bibliography
    Plate commentaries
  507. Men-at-Arms 507, septembre 2016 - Modern African Wars (5), par Philip Jowett (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
  508. Men-at-Arms 508, novembre 2016 - World War II Croatian Legionaries, par Vladimir Brnardic (texte) et Višeslav Aralica (illustrations)
  509. Men-at-Arms 509, décembre 2016 - French Foreign Legion 1831–71, par Martin Windrow (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
  510. Men-at-Arms 510, avril 2017 - Dutch Armies of the 80 Years’ War 1568–1648 (1), par Bouko de Groot (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
  511. Men-at-Arms 511, mai 2017 - Roman Army Units in the Eastern Provinces (1), par Raffaele D’Amato (texte) et Raffaele Ruggeri (illustrations)
  512. Men-at-Arms 512, août 2017 - Armies of the Italian Wars of Unification 1848–70 (1), par Gabriele Esposito (texte) et Giuseppe Rava (illustrations)
  513. Men-at-Arms 513, septembre 2017 - Dutch Armies of the 80 Years’ War 1568–1648 (2), par Bouko de Groot (texte) et Gerry Embleton (illustrations)
  514. Men-at-Arms 514, novembre 2017 - Armies of the Greek-Italian War 1940–41, par Phoebus Athanassiou (texte) et Peter Dennis (illustrations)
  515. Men-at-Arms 515, décembre 2017 - Armies of the First Carlist War 1833–39, par Gabriele Esposito (texte) et Giuseppe Rava (illustrations)
  516. Men-at-Arms 516, février 2018 - World War II Vichy French Security Troops, par Stephen M. Cullen (texte) et Mark Stacey (illustrations)
  517. Men-at-Arms 517, août 2018 - French Naval & Colonial Troops 1872–1914, par René Chartrand (texte) et Mark Stacey (illustrations)
  518. Men-at-Arms 518, mai 2018 - Polish Legions 1914–19, par Nigel Thomas (texte) et Johnny Shumate (illustrations)
  519. Men-at-Arms 519, juin 2018 - Latin American Wars 1900–1941, par Philip Jowett (texte) et Stephen Walsh (illustrations)
  520. Men-at-Arms 520, août 2018 - Armies of the Italian Wars of Unification 1848–70 (2), par Gabriele Esposito (texte) et Giuseppe Rava (illustrations)
  521. Men-at-Arms 521, août 2018 - Royal Netherlands East Indies Army 1936–42, par Marc Lohnstein (texte) et Adam Hook (illustrations)


Notes et références

  1. « Men-at-Arms sur le site officiel Osprey » (consulté le )
  2. « Site officiel Osprey Publishing » (consulté le )
  3. (en) Charles Grant (ill. Michael Roffe), Foot Grenadiers of the Imperial Guard, Osprey Publishing, coll. « Men-at-Arms » (no 1), (ISBN 0-85045-050-0)

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