
Sigcau is a South African surname that may refer to:

  • Botha Sigcau (died 1978), King in the Eastern Pondoland, President of Transkei from 1976 to 1978 and grandson of Sigcau
  • Nkosi Ntsikayezwe Sigcau (1947–1996), atraditional leader of Lwandlolubomvu Traditional Council, the youngest son of King Botha Sigcau, brother to Princess Stella Sigcau and descendant of Sigcau
  • Stella Sigcau (1937–2006), Mpondo Princess, Minister in the South African Government; the first and the desce only female Prime Minister of Transkei, and descendant of Sigcau
Surname list
This page lists people with the surname Sigcau.
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