General selection model

Model of population genetics

The general selection model (GSM) is a model of population genetics that describes how a population's allele frequencies will change when acted upon by natural selection.[1][better source needed]


The General Selection Model applied to a single gene with two alleles (let's call them A1 and A2) is encapsulated by the equation:

Δ q = p q [ q ( W 2 W 1 ) + p ( W 1 W 0 ) ] W ¯ {\displaystyle \Delta q={\frac {pq{\big [}q(W_{2}-W_{1})+p(W_{1}-W_{0}){\big ]}}{\overline {W}}}}
p {\displaystyle p} is the frequency of allele A1
q {\displaystyle q} is the frequency of allele A2
Δ q {\displaystyle \Delta q} is the rate of evolutionary change of the frequency of allele A2
W 0 , W 1 , W 2 {\displaystyle W_{0},W_{1},W_{2}} are the relative fitnesses of homozygous A1, heterozygous (A1A2), and homozygous A2 genotypes respectively.
W ¯ {\displaystyle {\overline {W}}} is the mean population relative fitness.

In words:

The product of the relative frequencies, p q {\displaystyle pq} , is a measure of the genetic variance. The quantity pq is maximized when there is an equal frequency of each gene, when p = q {\displaystyle p=q} . In the GSM, the rate of change Δ Q {\displaystyle \Delta Q} is proportional to the genetic variation.

The mean population fitness W ¯ {\displaystyle {\overline {W}}} is a measure of the overall fitness of the population. In the GSM, the rate of change Δ Q {\displaystyle \Delta Q} is inversely proportional to the mean fitness W ¯ {\displaystyle {\overline {W}}} —i.e. when the population is maximally fit, no further change can occur.

The remainder of the equation, [ q ( W 2 W 1 ) + p ( W 1 W 0 ) ] {\displaystyle {\big [}q(W_{2}-W_{1})+p(W_{1}-W_{0}){\big ]}} , refers to the mean effect of an allele substitution. In essence, this term quantifies what effect genetic changes will have on fitness.

See also


  1. ^ Benjamin A. Pierce (9 January 2006). Transmission and Population Genetics. W. H. Freeman. ISBN 978-0-7167-8387-9.